Hate to be sick...this year my health seems to be going down, down & down.
Been having some stomach viral infection these 3 days and it's really sickening..... I've been going to work the first 2 days but today I decided to take a break to have a proper rest.
After all I've been thru this year, mustn't take my health so lightly. Health is Wealth man..... if always sick how to enjoy life, right or not?
Guess I really need to do some exercise to strengthen my body.....really weakling ler me.
Found this cute video ads while writing about my misery. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Fill Up The Form Please!!!
I wonder who created this form........but it's very funny okay.
There's even a so called 'Stripper Clause'. Like real...... all men can easily fill up this form, but once they step out the house, only God knows what they would do w/o their girlfriends/wives around.
Hence, its all based on TRUST and nothing more... else, don't let your man out of your sight except to go to work. SIAO! Nothing better to do?!?!
There's even a so called 'Stripper Clause'. Like real...... all men can easily fill up this form, but once they step out the house, only God knows what they would do w/o their girlfriends/wives around.
Hence, its all based on TRUST and nothing more... else, don't let your man out of your sight except to go to work. SIAO! Nothing better to do?!?!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Rogue Assassin...NICE
I had a Birthday Movie Treats from GSC as my birthday falls in September. So I had a date with Keith last night to 1U for dinner and tried our luck to catch a movie coz the online tickets were all fully booked.
We didn’t have any idea of what to watch as there aren’t many nice movies this month. We have already saw ‘Ratatouille’ (downloaded from the net, yes, I’m guilty), ‘The Brave One’ seems like another movie like ‘Flight Plan’ (also acted by Jodie Foster) and ‘The Invasion’ doesn’t seem nice to me (coz I don’t like Daniel Craig (*yawn) so at last I decided on ‘Rouge Assassin’ by Jet Li and Jason Statham. The reason why I chose this was because of Jet Li & it is an action-packed movie.
I didn’t expect it to be good as there really wasn’t much publicity about this movie. But what a pleasant surprise! We did enjoy the movie as it has a nice plot and a real interesting & unexpected twist along the line. You wouldn’t have guessed how the story would turn out to be. But, let me give you a tip – it is something like Face Off (1997) by Nicholas Cage & John Travolta >Wink<.
And I like Devon Aoki too (she acted in ‘Fast & Furious I’ & a stupid movie called ‘DOA’), She really has an unusually face, don’t know to call it unique or weird. But hey, she has a killer figure so what’s more to ask for. She’s a Supermodel after all.
I always enjoy action-pack movies with loads of fighting, slashing, shooting, chopping and cool bloody scenes. It is such a thrill to me!!!
The only spoiler was…. well you know our local Board of Censorship, always like to ‘chops chops’ here and ‘snips snips’ there so the flow of the movie was interrupted here and there obviously.
Got to download it and hopefully it’s an uncensored version though (yes, I know, I’m guilty as charged. Spank Me!)
But, hey! Go catch this show if you like action-pack movies. :)
We didn’t have any idea of what to watch as there aren’t many nice movies this month. We have already saw ‘Ratatouille’ (downloaded from the net, yes, I’m guilty), ‘The Brave One’ seems like another movie like ‘Flight Plan’ (also acted by Jodie Foster) and ‘The Invasion’ doesn’t seem nice to me (coz I don’t like Daniel Craig (*yawn) so at last I decided on ‘Rouge Assassin’ by Jet Li and Jason Statham. The reason why I chose this was because of Jet Li & it is an action-packed movie.
I didn’t expect it to be good as there really wasn’t much publicity about this movie. But what a pleasant surprise! We did enjoy the movie as it has a nice plot and a real interesting & unexpected twist along the line. You wouldn’t have guessed how the story would turn out to be. But, let me give you a tip – it is something like Face Off (1997) by Nicholas Cage & John Travolta >Wink<.
And I like Devon Aoki too (she acted in ‘Fast & Furious I’ & a stupid movie called ‘DOA’), She really has an unusually face, don’t know to call it unique or weird. But hey, she has a killer figure so what’s more to ask for. She’s a Supermodel after all.
I always enjoy action-pack movies with loads of fighting, slashing, shooting, chopping and cool bloody scenes. It is such a thrill to me!!!
The only spoiler was…. well you know our local Board of Censorship, always like to ‘chops chops’ here and ‘snips snips’ there so the flow of the movie was interrupted here and there obviously.
Got to download it and hopefully it’s an uncensored version though (yes, I know, I’m guilty as charged. Spank Me!)
But, hey! Go catch this show if you like action-pack movies. :)
Friday, September 14, 2007
Passed Out....With Open @@
Ever heard or witnessed anyone who passed out but their eyes were still open?
Well.....I had a personal experience first time in my life last night. I was the one who passed out and since I certainly didn't have the chance to see what happened so I relied on Keith and those who witnessed that incident to relate back the story to me.
It was just a normal night out with friends to celebrate a pair of newly wed. We had dinner together and then moved on to Sanctuary for drinks.
We were at Sanctuary for like an hour and I had 1 1/2 mugs of beer. In between I went to toilet on my own and everything seems totally fine eventhough I was a little lightheaded by then. I am a social drinker but I usually don't drink much though. the last time I drank was actually like 8-9 months ago.
The drama started when we were living Sanctuary. Everyone got up and I was the last one walking behind. After about 50m away, my head started to spin rather badly and I immediately leaned against a pillar nearby and that's when Keith stopped (as he was walking and talking with one of his friend ahead of me) and turned back to me and checked if I was alright.
I remembered seeing him walking towards me and told him that I felt dizzy and the next thing I knew was I sort of like seeing many pairs of leg right in front of me and I still didn't quite grasp what was happening at that point of time.
It took me a while to realised I was indeed sitting on the floor and leaning against Keith. I was like dazing in and out a while before I figured out what was happening.
Well, I really freaked everyone out and my my.....what an experience to all who witnessed that coz none of them (neither have I) have ever seen such thing in their life so far, coz I passed out with my eyes wide open.
According to Keith, my eyes were just open as though I was staring at him, expressionless, and my body just went limp. I was so lucky that Keith actually turned back to me at the right moment coz he said I didn't even finish my sentence when I was telling him that I felt dizzy and he actually rushed towards me as my body slumped down with all the dead weight (and the poor baby sort of injured his wrist because of that).
I was out for about a minute and the whole time my eyes were open but there were no response from me. How freaky was that? It's like you watch those movie/drama, a person died with their eyes open. I looked like I was 'freeze' by a spell.
During the night I felt like passing out again and again but I stayed strong and fighted it as I was really afraid if I did passed out again, I might not wake up anymore. I'm not afraid of dying, but I don't want o die so young you know.
Fast forward, went to see the family doctor this morning and I was given medication and put on 'manual' drip for 1/2 hour. Why i said 'manual' drip was because, again, my poor darling was instructed by the doctor to dripped the rehydration salt liquid on my lips slowly.
Came home after seeing the doctor and I just slumped into deep sleep after that till about 3pm++. And by doctor instruction, I am not to partake any sort of alcoholic drinks ever again. Not like I mind as I'm not really a drinker.
But, it was really a scary incident more to the people who witnessed it than myself. I even asked Keith if anyone captured my look when I passed out as I would love to see how it looks like. Then, I kena marah by Keith: "Everyone was like so panic and worried, who the hell have time to think about taking picture?!"
True also lah......what a dumb question to ask! But, the fact was, I was trying to calm everyone down as I can see they were really worried about me.
Sorry yo...for scarring the hell out of everyone, especially my darling, Keith.
Darling, thanks for being there for me every time when I needed you. Muakkks!
Well.....I had a personal experience first time in my life last night. I was the one who passed out and since I certainly didn't have the chance to see what happened so I relied on Keith and those who witnessed that incident to relate back the story to me.
It was just a normal night out with friends to celebrate a pair of newly wed. We had dinner together and then moved on to Sanctuary for drinks.
We were at Sanctuary for like an hour and I had 1 1/2 mugs of beer. In between I went to toilet on my own and everything seems totally fine eventhough I was a little lightheaded by then. I am a social drinker but I usually don't drink much though. the last time I drank was actually like 8-9 months ago.
The drama started when we were living Sanctuary. Everyone got up and I was the last one walking behind. After about 50m away, my head started to spin rather badly and I immediately leaned against a pillar nearby and that's when Keith stopped (as he was walking and talking with one of his friend ahead of me) and turned back to me and checked if I was alright.
I remembered seeing him walking towards me and told him that I felt dizzy and the next thing I knew was I sort of like seeing many pairs of leg right in front of me and I still didn't quite grasp what was happening at that point of time.
It took me a while to realised I was indeed sitting on the floor and leaning against Keith. I was like dazing in and out a while before I figured out what was happening.
Well, I really freaked everyone out and my my.....what an experience to all who witnessed that coz none of them (neither have I) have ever seen such thing in their life so far, coz I passed out with my eyes wide open.
According to Keith, my eyes were just open as though I was staring at him, expressionless, and my body just went limp. I was so lucky that Keith actually turned back to me at the right moment coz he said I didn't even finish my sentence when I was telling him that I felt dizzy and he actually rushed towards me as my body slumped down with all the dead weight (and the poor baby sort of injured his wrist because of that).
I was out for about a minute and the whole time my eyes were open but there were no response from me. How freaky was that? It's like you watch those movie/drama, a person died with their eyes open. I looked like I was 'freeze' by a spell.
During the night I felt like passing out again and again but I stayed strong and fighted it as I was really afraid if I did passed out again, I might not wake up anymore. I'm not afraid of dying, but I don't want o die so young you know.
Fast forward, went to see the family doctor this morning and I was given medication and put on 'manual' drip for 1/2 hour. Why i said 'manual' drip was because, again, my poor darling was instructed by the doctor to dripped the rehydration salt liquid on my lips slowly.
Came home after seeing the doctor and I just slumped into deep sleep after that till about 3pm++. And by doctor instruction, I am not to partake any sort of alcoholic drinks ever again. Not like I mind as I'm not really a drinker.
But, it was really a scary incident more to the people who witnessed it than myself. I even asked Keith if anyone captured my look when I passed out as I would love to see how it looks like. Then, I kena marah by Keith: "Everyone was like so panic and worried, who the hell have time to think about taking picture?!"
True also lah......what a dumb question to ask! But, the fact was, I was trying to calm everyone down as I can see they were really worried about me.
Sorry yo...for scarring the hell out of everyone, especially my darling, Keith.
Darling, thanks for being there for me every time when I needed you. Muakkks!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
My Celebrity Look Alike
Saturday, September 08, 2007
What A Day!!!
Wow Wow Wow! What a Madness!!!
Keith & I had to chaperon our niece and 5 of her friends (all 6 teenagers) to Sunway Lagoon for the NSTP Merdeka Bash. The crowd was super-duper-hyper crazy. What to do? Free tickets mah...sure a lot of people lah.
We led all 6 girls into the lagoon and they went their own way to line up for whatever rides they wanted. Me & Keith moved on to the Safari section and went around petting and snapping photos of the animals.
It was fun seeing & petting all the animals but kind of pitiful as some of the animals are put in small cages and seem very restless.
And I ended up having a 'hicky' from a 'lesbian' pony. So many people petted that fella and nothing happened, but when I pet it, it turn its head and nibbled my arm in a lightning speed. I felt such a sharp pain on my arm and left a red mark that looks something like hicky. After that a bit scared already ler.....when Keith petted the goats, I didn't dare to touch the goats coz scared 'kena' again. Luckily the pony didn't bite me, if not, sure have to rush to clinic to take a jab already.
After that, Keith & I went to RedBox to sing Karaoke. What to do, have to find something to do while waiting for the girls mah... furthermore, my leg really hurts after walking for like 1 hour (my leg still not fully recover so can't walk too long).
When we met up with the girls, they felt unsatisfied coz they lined up 1 1/2 hours only get a 5 minutes ride, so end up all came to my condo for swimming. Haiya, shouldn't have went there, came over to my condo for swimming in the first place even better.
Never ask me to go to this kind of event that gave out 50,000 free tickets to the public. And seriously I don't know how people can play in the pool and all.....coz you can clearly see the pool water has turned milky. Double YUCKS!

Apparently Jackie Chan was suppose to be there after his
opening ceremony for Celebrity Fitness in
Sunway Pyramid Shopping Centre

normal walk-way was too packed

Cool Python - Someone went and 'Pinch' the snake and
sounded by the safari's staff
Handsome Pony
Yeah...I'm holding a Skunk! It's so adorable.
Tapir - the ants eater
Goatee in the acrobatic act
Hah!!! This was the culprit!
This is the hicky I got from the naughty pony
Under the sky...............
Showing off my BACK! :P
Manja-ing to my darling....
And somebody wanted to make sad face also, so I had to layan a bit lah
Nothing better to do while waiting for the girls
(they were swimming at my condo at that time)
Some more want to make silly face.... tak habis-habis..
All in all, it was a fun day ler....coz long time didn't go pak-toh with my beloved already.....
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Truth or Lie?? How Can You Tell?!?
I do enjoy listening to Hitz.fm morning crew (JJ & Rudy) every workdays morning. Occasionally, there are some really funny Gotcha Calls and lately the Lie Detector Test...Until this morning.
A couple who have been dating (or perhaps 'dated' by now) for 4 years were on air. Well, basically the bf has strapped his gf in. The entire thing started very normal like others and after a series of questions from both JJ & Rudy, it was the bf turn to asked some personal questions. And that's when the entire show starts to turn really really sour. :(
You see, the bf was suspicious of the gf on an incident happened a week ago, thus, I think he purposely set her up so that he can question her with the lie detector on. Needless to say, things went really bad, coz from what I heard from the radio, the bf stomped out from the studio and the last word from the gf to JJ & Rudy was 'F*** You All!'.
I really feel sorry for them, but i don't know I feel sorrier for the couple or JJ & Rudy. The program is suppose to be all entertainment but it is sad that it has causes such damage to some individuals...
If the couple happen to read my blog (though I know it is very unlikely) but if they do, I hope they read the following:
Detractors of the polygraph call lie detection a voodoo science, saying that polygraphs are no more accurate at detecting lies than the flip of a coin. "Despite claims of 'lie detector' examiners, there is no machine that can detect lies," reads a statement from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). "The 'lie detector' does not measure truth-telling; it measures changes in blood pressure, breath rate and perspiration rate, but those physiological changes can be triggered by a wide range of emotions."
Lee, who has been performing polygraph exams for 18 years, agrees that polygraphs do not detect lies. "What has happened over the years is that the media has dubbed this lie detection, and that's what's clicked, but from a scientific perspective, absolutely not. There's no such thing as lie detection. I couldn't tell you what a lie looks like."
He does assert that polygraphs can detect deceptive behavior even through the stress brought on by the exam itself.
Truthful...He/She's telling the truth....He/She's lying.....Deceptive......whatever it is....don't let the lie detector to be the affecting factor to your life and relationship, it is merely a dumb machine after all.
A couple who have been dating (or perhaps 'dated' by now) for 4 years were on air. Well, basically the bf has strapped his gf in. The entire thing started very normal like others and after a series of questions from both JJ & Rudy, it was the bf turn to asked some personal questions. And that's when the entire show starts to turn really really sour. :(
You see, the bf was suspicious of the gf on an incident happened a week ago, thus, I think he purposely set her up so that he can question her with the lie detector on. Needless to say, things went really bad, coz from what I heard from the radio, the bf stomped out from the studio and the last word from the gf to JJ & Rudy was 'F*** You All!'.
I really feel sorry for them, but i don't know I feel sorrier for the couple or JJ & Rudy. The program is suppose to be all entertainment but it is sad that it has causes such damage to some individuals...
If the couple happen to read my blog (though I know it is very unlikely) but if they do, I hope they read the following:
Detractors of the polygraph call lie detection a voodoo science, saying that polygraphs are no more accurate at detecting lies than the flip of a coin. "Despite claims of 'lie detector' examiners, there is no machine that can detect lies," reads a statement from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). "The 'lie detector' does not measure truth-telling; it measures changes in blood pressure, breath rate and perspiration rate, but those physiological changes can be triggered by a wide range of emotions."
Lee, who has been performing polygraph exams for 18 years, agrees that polygraphs do not detect lies. "What has happened over the years is that the media has dubbed this lie detection, and that's what's clicked, but from a scientific perspective, absolutely not. There's no such thing as lie detection. I couldn't tell you what a lie looks like."
He does assert that polygraphs can detect deceptive behavior even through the stress brought on by the exam itself.
Truthful...He/She's telling the truth....He/She's lying.....Deceptive......whatever it is....don't let the lie detector to be the affecting factor to your life and relationship, it is merely a dumb machine after all.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Stop It! Our English Aren't That Bad!!!
One thing has annoyed me quite enormously lately is some ads playing on the radio.
I really can't quite figure out why some of the ads just like to use broken & Singaporean-slang-like English. I don't know whether that was the idea from the advertising companies or the products' owners.
Seriously, we Malaysians speak much better English overall apart from all the 'La' & 'Ma' we like to use at the end of our sentences most of the time, but really.....we are capable of speaking proper English to the matter of fact.
So stop using all the Ah-Beng & Ah-Lian slang in the ads. It would not makes your ads stands out or make your sales rise up 10-folds..... it merely makes us sound so shallow and seems like we can't speak proper English at all.
We are way much better when comes to English speaking!
I really can't quite figure out why some of the ads just like to use broken & Singaporean-slang-like English. I don't know whether that was the idea from the advertising companies or the products' owners.
Seriously, we Malaysians speak much better English overall apart from all the 'La' & 'Ma' we like to use at the end of our sentences most of the time, but really.....we are capable of speaking proper English to the matter of fact.
So stop using all the Ah-Beng & Ah-Lian slang in the ads. It would not makes your ads stands out or make your sales rise up 10-folds..... it merely makes us sound so shallow and seems like we can't speak proper English at all.
We are way much better when comes to English speaking!
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