Came back from Singapore on Sunday night and reached home about 11:00pm. By then, I was awfully tire.
Woke up the next morning and went back to work. Felt like I should have taken leave on Monday so that I could sleep through to recharge. The whole day at work, felt like a Zombie.
Singapore is awful. Yes, it is awfully nice. I really love it there! I was kind of reluctant to come home if not for my darling. It was whole loads of fun but I was totally spent. Felt like my tendon was about to snapped anytime coz it was being abused excessively.
This is my first time ever going for holiday without Keith. Nevertheless, it was a fun to go travel with Jaime but I have a bit of problem keeping up with her due to my leg condition but overall I was good. :) (I'm really proud of myself that I was able to walk for like 10 hours which usually my maximum endurance is 1 hour only).
Well, all I could say is that, if you are earning Singapore money, the things there are cheaper than M’sia (too bad I’m not). And you can absolutely find so many nice dresses in Singapore with reasonable price. The problem is once I convert the price to MYR, it’s just become too expensive and not worthy. So, I ended up only bought a dress.
What I did mainly was walk and walk and more walk, then shop and shop and shop. Me & Jaime walked a lot, shopping centre after shopping centre but didn’t really buy much. You should see her expression when she found something cheap. :P
Apart from shopping, we went to Sentosa Island and I got a very bad sun-burn coz I wore a tube top and did not apply sun block. Ouch! Here, let me share some pics with you guys. There were more pics I took but I accidentally deleted some of the photos while I tried to transfer the file from my phone to the PC. DAMN ME!

Poh Ee is studying in Singapore so Jaime & I met up with her on our first night and had dinner at Tony Roma at Orchard Rd
Poh Ee, Jaime & Daniel in front of n.y.d.c. (New York Dessert Cafe)
They have a very nice McCafe (it's a high class McDonalds) at Orchard Rd that serve cakes and pastries

This was the chocolate ice cream cake we order with extra chocolate. But when they served us the cake, it seems like the chocolate was so little. thus, I asked the waitress to add more.
And it came back like this!

Me with the LION at Orchard Rd
We went to Sentosa Island on Friday and went for the 4D Movie Magix and the Luge ride. The fare we paid was a package of Luge with the SkyTower ride, but both me and Jaime were so excited about the Luge and we didn't even bother to read what printed on the tickets. Wasted!

Me, Jaime & the awesome Merlion

This is the SkyTower we supposed to ride after the Luge (I took this photo before we headed for the Luge ride)
There was a Singaporean production movie being shown in M'sia like 2 moths back called 'The Papaya Sisters 881: 木瓜姐妹'.
Well, they are the HOAX!
We are the real deal. The original Payaya Sisters have come to town!

We also stumbled into this giant BANANA...Yumm
All gear up for our Luge ride
Wow! It was real fun!
Loving It!
We made it back in 1 piece after the ride.
Me huggie the tree
So romantic, we both walked around the beach
Tired but HAPPY

At Orchard Rd. They are putting up the Christmas decors and will only lights up from 17 Nov. I was there 1 week too early. :(
This was a t-shirt selling in one of the boutique. I don't kid you. Its a new shirt and it comes in 4 colours. Talk abt 'fashion'. So if you have any old shirts & the collars starting to look like this, make sure you don't throw it away, ok. It's fashion, man!
Like I mentioned earlier I accidentally deleted some photos so no more photos to post up. :(
But I would like to thank my darling for insisted me to go for this trip and let me shop as I like (but I did spent wisely and carefully). He said maybe will bring me there again next month.
Well, I'm looking forward for it already!