Thursday, March 27, 2008
No Mood
Hmmm... guess I'll wait till I stabilise my emotion and clear my mind from all the things that troubling me. Hope everything will be back to normal soon. After all, it is not yet the end of the world.
There are still hope, faith, love, trust & beliefs.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Good Girl Gone Wild...
I'm no longer the girl who was once so green, fragile, timid and with low self esteem. Having gone through so many things in life all these years, I have certainly become wiser, tougher and more polished in every part of my lives.
There are many things which I used to despised in the past but I've began to view it from a different perspectives and learnt to accept it now. I used to say things like, 'I'll never do this or that' in the past but a recent incident made me realised that I am no 'Saint'. I am just a normal human being and I have my weakness too and I sort of under estimated my capability in committing any 'crime'. So, a lesson learnt, NEVER SAYS NEVER!
I'm starting to have some really wild thoughts these days. Oh no, I have all the wild thoughts all along but lately I've decided to take a step further to really materialise some of it.
I don't know why the sudden change in me. Hmmm..maybe because like it or not, I am getting older and i think probably I've reach the stage where I feel secure and confident enough to try out certain things.
Perhaps this is the prime of my life and I shall not let it pass just like that without fulfilling some of the wildest dreams I have before my time is up.
What are the wild thoughts I have in mind? Well, I'll leave it to your imagination. ;)

Monday, March 10, 2008
"In love with" and "love" - What is the difference?
I was talking to someone, B, who is in a love triangle relationship the other day. He made a very interesting statement. He said: “She is in love with him and she loves me”.
So, does that mean the girl loves both guys at the same time? Well, at least that’s what I comprehended. No. Hmmm…I was utterly confused. Is there a difference? B was trying to explain to me but I couldn’t quite get it at that time. I was told to gnaw on the sentence to figure it out myself.
After some profound analysis about what B has told me, I finally figure out the difference between ‘in love with someone’ and ‘loving someone’.
To love someone or something is lucid, rational, sensible, realistic, judicious and always based on reason.
We love our parents, siblings, relatives, friends, pets, belongings, all because they are related to us or belong to us. We love them by default due to the relations we shared.
We love someone because we love the way he/she treats us, the sense of security & responsibility, sympathy, the basic provisions, familiarity, fear of not having another chance of love and et cetera.
I have a classic example of love out of sympathy. One of my uncles met his current wife many years ago at his work place. She was a single mother with 3 children. My uncle sympathised her and decided to marry her so that he could take care of her as well as her kids.
I have a friend confide to me that she chose to married her husband because she knows he loves her more than she loves him and he is willing to give in to her the way no other guys would. But I forgot to ask her whether she is in love with her husband in anyway.
So, what differ ‘in love with someone’ from ‘loving someone’?
When you are in love with someone or something, there is no reason and everything becomes irrational. You feel the excitement when that someone calls, the obsession of seeing or talking to that person, the desire to possess that person, the fascination, the passion, the longing, jealousy and the unexplainable happiness, where a mere thought of him/her would put a smile on you. It makes your eyes sparkles; your skin glow, you become gentler in speech and behaviour,
Why is it when you are in love with someone, everything will become irrational? That’s because even if you know that person can’t provide you much or don’t love you the same way, you go ahead and love him/her anyway, or you know that person is a criminal but you still love him.
So, are you in love with your other half or you loving your other half?
How about myself, you ask, well, I have to say that I am in love with my other half and I also love him. Like it or not, love is conditional and I’m a very practical and logical person. I told my hubby before, if he would have been a factory blue collar worker or some mechanic, I wouldn’t have chose to marry him.
I know I’m too straightforward and it might seems cruel for me to say that to my other half or this even makes me sound materialistic or whatsoever, but that is the fact and I’m just being true to myself and the one I chose to spend my life with.
So, are you loving someone and in love with someone else at the same time?
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Things that I bought during my Kota Kinabalu trip
Nevertheless, I'd bought 4 things for myself as a remembrance though. :)
These are the 'Speak No Evil', 'See No Evil' & 'Hear No Evil' wood crafting.
Keith: Hooohhhhhh.... buy, buy, buy, no need to think!
Liz: Hah? Buy ah? you like it?
Keith: You look very hot & sexy in this! you better take it out now and go pay for it before my nose starts to bleed.
Liz: Hahahahahahah....
Well, it is surely nice to know that after more than 5 yrs together, my hubby still find me attractive & irresistible. ;) It certainly helps to boost my self esteem. Woo hooo!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
My Kota Kinabalu Holiday
The entrance of Mandara Spa @ Magellan Sutera Harbour
Another sea view looking out from Al Fresco Restaurant @ Magellan Sutera Harbour, where we had our lunch on the first day
Keith taking his cycling break (Yes, we rented 2 bicycles and cycled around the Marina Bay, it was so nice)
This is an 'Emergency' toilet at the road side, but Keith said it is not in a usable condition.
Another close-up of Mt. Kinabalu
One more close-up from different angle
The entrance of the Kinabalu Park & Poring Hot Spring
Waiting for our turn to go on the bridge as at one time only max. of 6 people are allowed
Me in the tub soaking in the Hot Spring water
Feeling clean & refreshing after the soak
Don't know what plant is it but it was very nice (Do I look like I'm trying to showcase the flower?)
The funny thing was, before I go to KK, I heard a lot of people who'd been there saying that KK girls are very pretty but during our trip there we didn't see any pretty girls around. where were all the leng-luis (pretty girls) in KK?
Even though a lot of people say seafood in East Malaysia is very cheap but it 's not entirely true. If you go to those tourists' area, it will cost you more than KL, thus do ask around for places that only locals know about (meaning no tourists) then only you'll get to enjoy fresh & cheap seafood.
I'll definetely want to go back to KK again next time! It is surely a nice place to relax & chill-out.