What are the general perceptions of people toward Cosmetic/Plastic surgery these days?
Some people might say its fake, pretentious, artificial, unnatural, lies, deceitful, phony, etc. Say or call it whatever you like, but the blatant truth is, no one cares, especially for guys (well, at least for the majority), they certainly don’t mind if they find out a hot chic, be it an acquaintance or his own girlfriend ever went under the knife and artificially altered herself.
I once read a testimony (in a local magazine) sent in by a guy about his experience on One-Night-Stand with a girl that he picked up from a bar. He said when he saw the girl undressed and he realized her boobs were fake, he was rather turn off at first, but then he decided to carry on and “My!”, he said, “the fake boobs were nice to hold and behold” (I almost died laughing then).
Why? Coz we are living in a world where looks come first. Good looks, pretty features, hot & sexy figure, popular, all that are the most superficial thing people see in us and it is nice to have or to be seen with something pleasing to the eyes and senses. Of course, true beauty is more than meets the eyes; however, the first impression is always determined by how a person looks.
I’m sure many of you noticed in the online network like Facebook, those pretty girls tend to have so many friends, and do you think those girls really know most of the so called ‘friends’ they added?
Most people like to be around someone who is good looking, handsome, pretty, beautiful, hot, sexy, popular and rich. I don’t really know what driven us to behave that way but I guess it has something to do with our ego & the materialism in us.
Say, if I know Rudy & JJ from hitz.fm per say, I’m sure a lot of people would want to get close to me in order to get me to ask for free passes for this and that. Or, if I’m as pretty & hot as Jessica Alba, I’m sure I’ll have lots of guys queuing at the front of my house. :P
I’m pretty sure most people who are into blogging know who Dawn Yang is (you can visit her blog at http://www.dawnyang.com/). Her beauty and her fast success in the blogging world and entertainment industry have earned her a wide base of fans as well as rivals. Her old pictures during high school were exposed and comparison of her then & now pictures were made and it was clear to the world that (unless you are blind or living in a world of denial), she did went under the knife and did something to her entire face. It's neither confirmed nor denied but it is really obvious that she did.
Well, I’m not here to condemn her about what she did to herself. My point is, clearly everyone can tell that she did go for plastic surgery, but then, who cares? She is making money and getting recognition from the media for who she is and how she looks right now. No one cares if she wasn’t as hot (she was not ugly then, but just a slightly above average sweet looking girl), all that matter, She is Hot & Desirable now. There’s even a group call ‘In Love with Dawn’ in Facebook.
And for those who ever condemned her and tried to defame her, to me, it was all an act of sour grapes. Come on, be true to yourself for once, if you have the money (and the guts), don’t tell me you wouldn’t want to go under the knife and make yourself more beautiful, unless you are really happy with the way you are.
Plastic Surgery is no longer a taboo these days, many celebrities did it and so are common people like us. Who knows, perhaps one day I might want to go for breasts enlargement, or make my eyes bigger, or my nose taller & sharper. And if I do, I’ll admit it openly and be proud of it.
I’m pretty happy with how I look right now (though not entirely), and I do not have the money. So, until I’m ready financially & mentally or until I can’t stand the way I look, I’ll just live with the way I am, for now. :P
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Material Girl
A lady friend of mine, J, was mentioning about a conversion she had with a guy some time back. The guy commented that girls these days are so much more materialistic compare to last time. J then asked the guy why would he make such a comment and his replied were that girls these days love to buy expensive & branded stuff.
There are basically three groups of people here, the first group only buy genuine branded stuff, the second group would like to buy branded stuff but can’t afford the real one, hence they opt for the ‘imitation’ branded stuff (mind you an imitation LV bag can actually cost up to RM1K, where else the original might cost between RM2-3K), and the third group couldn’t care less or can’t even afford the imitation one, thus they would buy things with no special branding and cost way much cheaper.
Are girls these days more materialistic in general? Well, I would say the answer is yes and no. Just because girls these days tend to spend more money on branded stuff, do not make them materialistic. Let me share what I considered is materialistic and what’s not.
For those who are all out to get a rich boyfriends or sugar daddy (these are the gold digger) and demand the guys to buy them branded stuff, or even when their boyfriends are not rich but the girls still demand the guys to buy them branded stuff, meaning, the girls themselves either can’t afford it or do not want to use their own money but ask other people to buy for them, those are materialistic.
But, for a girl, if she is earning well and all she wants is at the end of the day pamper herself with some branded & expensive merchandise with her hard earn money, that is not materialistic. I mean if you are capable of earning the money, you have every rights to spend it anyway you want, so if you feel that using branded stuff makes you feel good, by all means go ahead, coz no one has the rights to comment or condemn that you are materialistic for using your own money.
But personally, I’m the kind of person which I rather use RM1000 to buy maybe 5 different handbags than to spend RM1500 on only 1 bag. I’m not really a brand conscious person, for me a GUESS handbag is exclusive enough. I don’t need to use LV, GUCCI or BURBERRY for the sake of having a branded handbag, coz after all the difference between GUESS and LV, etc is the ‘Brand’. Quality wise, I think GUESS is very good and please bear in mind a GUESS handbag that cost up to RM200-400 is also consider expensive. For those who only shop from Pasar Malam, the same amount of money that I pay for 1 GUESS handbag could probably get them 10 handbags from Pasar Malam.
To be frank, I do buy imitation goods. I've bought 3 imitation GUESS handbags from a Thai Fair and its cost me less RM 100 in total and they look just as nice as the original. Only thing is the quality of the zip are lousy but then again I’ll have excuse to buy new one when its spoil. So in other way, I don’t have to get stuck with the same design for so long. I’ll always have the liberty to buy more without feeling guilty because of the price.
There are basically three groups of people here, the first group only buy genuine branded stuff, the second group would like to buy branded stuff but can’t afford the real one, hence they opt for the ‘imitation’ branded stuff (mind you an imitation LV bag can actually cost up to RM1K, where else the original might cost between RM2-3K), and the third group couldn’t care less or can’t even afford the imitation one, thus they would buy things with no special branding and cost way much cheaper.
Are girls these days more materialistic in general? Well, I would say the answer is yes and no. Just because girls these days tend to spend more money on branded stuff, do not make them materialistic. Let me share what I considered is materialistic and what’s not.
For those who are all out to get a rich boyfriends or sugar daddy (these are the gold digger) and demand the guys to buy them branded stuff, or even when their boyfriends are not rich but the girls still demand the guys to buy them branded stuff, meaning, the girls themselves either can’t afford it or do not want to use their own money but ask other people to buy for them, those are materialistic.
But, for a girl, if she is earning well and all she wants is at the end of the day pamper herself with some branded & expensive merchandise with her hard earn money, that is not materialistic. I mean if you are capable of earning the money, you have every rights to spend it anyway you want, so if you feel that using branded stuff makes you feel good, by all means go ahead, coz no one has the rights to comment or condemn that you are materialistic for using your own money.
But personally, I’m the kind of person which I rather use RM1000 to buy maybe 5 different handbags than to spend RM1500 on only 1 bag. I’m not really a brand conscious person, for me a GUESS handbag is exclusive enough. I don’t need to use LV, GUCCI or BURBERRY for the sake of having a branded handbag, coz after all the difference between GUESS and LV, etc is the ‘Brand’. Quality wise, I think GUESS is very good and please bear in mind a GUESS handbag that cost up to RM200-400 is also consider expensive. For those who only shop from Pasar Malam, the same amount of money that I pay for 1 GUESS handbag could probably get them 10 handbags from Pasar Malam.
To be frank, I do buy imitation goods. I've bought 3 imitation GUESS handbags from a Thai Fair and its cost me less RM 100 in total and they look just as nice as the original. Only thing is the quality of the zip are lousy but then again I’ll have excuse to buy new one when its spoil. So in other way, I don’t have to get stuck with the same design for so long. I’ll always have the liberty to buy more without feeling guilty because of the price.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I Need Some Sleep
Sigh....after months of sleeping problem, my body finally broke down yesterday.
I went back to office for half a day meeting yesterday and after lunch I came home to rest. I was having very bad headache & feeling extremely dizzy as my body and mind have reached the exhaustion limit. I tried to sleep when I get home but the throbbing headache was killing me and I didn't really get to rest.
I didn't get to rest much due to the headache and my usual sleeping problem and I feeling more lethargic than ever this morning. I called in for MC and went to see doctor about 10:00am follow by a quick breakfast and medication (my doctor prescribed me some medication to relax and calm my brain & nerves). Went home about 11:30am and slept thru the entire day till about 5:00pm just now.
Keith has been having fever since Tuesday and today he too took MC. So, you can imagine, a sick couple staying in the house and the less sick one (that would be me) have to take care of the other more serious one.
Falling sick is a very miserable thing. I hope both of us will get well soon, especially Keith as he is very prone to fever and it worries me. According to our doctor, Keith is having a very bad viral fever. Both my parents-in-law are also having fever since Monday and I hope the virus won't spread to me.
As my company is in the stage of finalising the integration and staff transfer, it would be very busy for me these following few weeks, thus I can't afford to fall sick.
Hopefully the medication is effective enough to solve my sleeping problem.
I went back to office for half a day meeting yesterday and after lunch I came home to rest. I was having very bad headache & feeling extremely dizzy as my body and mind have reached the exhaustion limit. I tried to sleep when I get home but the throbbing headache was killing me and I didn't really get to rest.
I didn't get to rest much due to the headache and my usual sleeping problem and I feeling more lethargic than ever this morning. I called in for MC and went to see doctor about 10:00am follow by a quick breakfast and medication (my doctor prescribed me some medication to relax and calm my brain & nerves). Went home about 11:30am and slept thru the entire day till about 5:00pm just now.
Keith has been having fever since Tuesday and today he too took MC. So, you can imagine, a sick couple staying in the house and the less sick one (that would be me) have to take care of the other more serious one.
Falling sick is a very miserable thing. I hope both of us will get well soon, especially Keith as he is very prone to fever and it worries me. According to our doctor, Keith is having a very bad viral fever. Both my parents-in-law are also having fever since Monday and I hope the virus won't spread to me.
As my company is in the stage of finalising the integration and staff transfer, it would be very busy for me these following few weeks, thus I can't afford to fall sick.
Hopefully the medication is effective enough to solve my sleeping problem.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Majestic...if only I have a nicer cam
The following pics were captured on Saturday evening after the heavy and stormy rain. All 4 pics are more or less the same as it was captured while I was in the (moving) car just tried to take the view from different angle.
It looked so majestic with the reflection and the ray of light. It looked almost like the gate of Heaven was opened. I told Keith probably that's the light for the death to cross-over to heaven. But then we saw it, so what was that supposed to mean?!?!
Pardon me, I was just simply babbling non sense but I have to tell you if you would have seen the actual view, you would be so captivated by it coz it was simply out of this world.
These pics would be so much nicer if I use a nicer camera and capture it from a better angle instead of in a moving car.
It looked so majestic with the reflection and the ray of light. It looked almost like the gate of Heaven was opened. I told Keith probably that's the light for the death to cross-over to heaven. But then we saw it, so what was that supposed to mean?!?!
Pardon me, I was just simply babbling non sense but I have to tell you if you would have seen the actual view, you would be so captivated by it coz it was simply out of this world.
These pics would be so much nicer if I use a nicer camera and capture it from a better angle instead of in a moving car.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Still remember when I first heard about the acquisition of my company by another organisation, it was just one month after I went back to work after my post-surgery long rest at home.
I was clueless what lies ahead of me, whether I'll be retain or lay-off when the new management took over. There were a lot of speculations, rumours, worries and uncertainty among the staffs. Well, we finally got the answer yesterday though.
Well, I am grateful that my bosses recommended me to the new management and they have decided to retain me, but then I'm being assigned to an entirely different role as what I'm doing now. Personally, I don't really have any issue with the new job functions, however, I do have some issue with some individuals that I'll have to work closely with. It's really complicated and it is sensitive, thus I will not illustrate further.
Anyway, there is still no clear job descriptions for the new role that I'm being put into thus I can't comment much whether I'll accept the new offer or I'll like my new role. Guess will have to wait till next week for me to find out more.
Things are moving really fast and all of us (almost all of us :( ) are required to move over to the new office as of early next month. Hmmm..... in one hand I'm excited over this whole thing but at the same time, kind of worry coz we are moving to a new company with new environment, new colleagues, new culture, new practices and all that.
I've never afraid of change and I'm always willing to take up new challenge. I do believe changes, whether it is about our daily lives, work place, relationship, friendship and etc, good or bad, is always a positive thing coz it is thru the process of 'change', we fall, we learn, we challenge and we grow. It maybe painful along the way but if we could persevere and make it till the end, it will makes us stronger, wiser and we will also learn to appreciate what we have and be proud of what we've achieved when we look back the journey we've made thus far.
However, I feel really sorry for a few colleagues of mine whom the new management has decided to laid-off. But then, when one door closes, another opens. I believe this is some blessing in disguise by God that He, has a greater & better plans for them. :)
Thoughtful Quotes:
Readjusting is a painful process, but most of us need it at one time or another.~Arthur Christopher Benson~
Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.~Arnold Bennett~
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl
I was clueless what lies ahead of me, whether I'll be retain or lay-off when the new management took over. There were a lot of speculations, rumours, worries and uncertainty among the staffs. Well, we finally got the answer yesterday though.
Well, I am grateful that my bosses recommended me to the new management and they have decided to retain me, but then I'm being assigned to an entirely different role as what I'm doing now. Personally, I don't really have any issue with the new job functions, however, I do have some issue with some individuals that I'll have to work closely with. It's really complicated and it is sensitive, thus I will not illustrate further.
Anyway, there is still no clear job descriptions for the new role that I'm being put into thus I can't comment much whether I'll accept the new offer or I'll like my new role. Guess will have to wait till next week for me to find out more.
Things are moving really fast and all of us (almost all of us :( ) are required to move over to the new office as of early next month. Hmmm..... in one hand I'm excited over this whole thing but at the same time, kind of worry coz we are moving to a new company with new environment, new colleagues, new culture, new practices and all that.
I've never afraid of change and I'm always willing to take up new challenge. I do believe changes, whether it is about our daily lives, work place, relationship, friendship and etc, good or bad, is always a positive thing coz it is thru the process of 'change', we fall, we learn, we challenge and we grow. It maybe painful along the way but if we could persevere and make it till the end, it will makes us stronger, wiser and we will also learn to appreciate what we have and be proud of what we've achieved when we look back the journey we've made thus far.
However, I feel really sorry for a few colleagues of mine whom the new management has decided to laid-off. But then, when one door closes, another opens. I believe this is some blessing in disguise by God that He, has a greater & better plans for them. :)
Thoughtful Quotes:
Readjusting is a painful process, but most of us need it at one time or another.~Arthur Christopher Benson~
Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.~Arnold Bennett~
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl
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