Sunday, December 27, 2009
Time To Say Goodbye....
Looking back, I must say that I am truly blessed by Him and I would like to thank Him for my love ones and everything that happened in this past year in my life. I have so much to be thankful for and nothing to complaint about. Sure sometimes I'd grumbled to my hubby about some work issues as well as some people inconsiderate behaviours, nevertheless I am glad and grateful for everything that has happened and everyone that has crossed my path or entered my life. Like I always said, be it good or bad, there are always something for us to ponder and learn from.
Life is short and we never know what or who we will lose in the next minute. Let us all end our year with love, joy and forgiveness. Do not hold any grudge to anyone especially your love ones. Always remember that only those who truly love you would dare to tell you off even if it might jeopardize the relationship and hurt your ego.
More often than not, we do not see our own short falls and the mistakes we make in life, it takes much love & courage and someone who care enough to confront you so that you can change for the better. You might not like what you are being told as you might think that someone is nosing into your business and trying to teach you how to run your lives, but most words of concern are like Chinese herbs, bitter but good.
Let us all mend all the broken relationship and forgive those you love and those who loves you (you know it deep down in your heart). Let's not end the old year and enter the new year with grudge, hate and pride. We shall welcome the new year with renewed love, joy, peace and forgiveness as that is what God intended for us. Let by gone be by gone.
I don't know about you but I find that to dislike or hate someone is an extremely tiring thing to do as it only leads us towards the darkness. The anger & pride would consumed us and prevent us to move forward.
So let us all forgive and forget and welcome the new year with brand new start! Selah.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
New Hairdo
Then my usual MUA recommended me to Shunji Matsuo Hair Studio at Telawi as she said that this salon really offer something refreshing as they specialize in styling Korean & Japanese hairdos. She said the haircut there really makes one looks fresh, young & kawaii. So I decided to give it a try but I didn't made it to the Telawi branch as I found out their HQ is actually located at MidValley. As I planned to look for Keith for lunch then head for my hairdo, hence I decided to kill two birds in one stone and save myself the hassle of driving and searching for parking again.
I wasn't very sure what to do still when I step in to the salon so I just briefly discussed with the stylist. I basically told my hairstylist what are the DON'Ts and pretty much left everything to her hands. :) She is the Director stylist and you will remember her name easily and of course everybody loves that, coz her name is MONEY!!! :D
She is very friendly and professional and I'm glad that I went there for an adventure instead of going back to my usual salon. No regrets. ^.^
Anyway, if you are keen to have a new hairdo since Christmas, New Year & Chinese NY are just around the corner, do give them a try.
Shunji Matsuo Hair Salon Midvalley
13G, The Boulevard, Midvalley City, Linkaran Syed Putra
59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 603-2938 3711
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
The Ugly Truth
Men, admit it or not, you guys are PIG and as much as you want to deny it, you are mostly being control by your d*** than your brain. :P And for the ladies, I'm not trying to scare you, no matter how honest or nerdy your bf/hubby might look, well boys will always be boys. There is NO exception.
Guys, don't curse me as I'm writing this more for your benefits. Hopefully your gf/wife will change after reading this. :P I know this does not applies to all men but I dare to say 99% straight guys fall into this category.
So how can a woman keeps her man (happy)? This is not an impossible mission coz believe me, men, are actually quite easy to please. :) Before I go into details, in order to have a long lasting relationship/marriage, the fundamental is a must, communication, trust & compromise.
Any man, irregardless of their background, they always dream and want to have a gf/wife whom they can show off to others. This is what I called the man ego. :P No matter how geeky, homely, decent or innocent a man might look, the bottom line is, all men have their ultimate alpha ego & they fantasize a lot. Whether they can get what they want is another story but all men want to have a hot chic as their gf/wife.
What I really want to talk abt today is SEX. When you wonder why some couples seem so happy with each other and yet you heard that the man seek sexual service/satisfaction elsewhere, paying or not. That is because the ladies have neglected the sex department. Sad to say that, being an understanding, caring & loving wife, it is never enough for the men. you need to be horny & want sex as much as they do.
Sex is a two ways things but sadly most girls usually leave the work to the guys. I'm not sure whether it is due to laziness, shyness or simply just lack of sexual desire. But I must tell you ladies, nothing make a man more happy and excited when their gf/wife initiate sex. You don't have to look like Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox to feel sexy & hot coz trust me, if your guy decided to marry you and spend the rest of his life with you, I'm sure he finds you attractive enough.
Another thing is about up-keeping, For those married one, you see, we are only human, no matter how much your hubby loves you, but years after years, staying with the same person and if you don't upkeep your appearance and you also always refuse sex with your husband. All I can say is, don't be surprise if one day you find your hubby sleeping around. Ladies, let's be real, for guys, sex and love are totally two separate things. Believe me, unless your man is a total jerk who loves to go f*** around else usually a man will be happy to stick with the woman they love & care and if they get enough sexual satisfaction, there is no reason for them to seek for other resources.
One of my friend said to me, "I've been this way even before I got married", well true, but doesn't mean your hubby will want to see the same thing for the rest of his life. Life is really unfair, while man can get by with a growing tummy year after year and still need not worry that their wife would leave them because they are getting fat/old, but when the wife starts growing side way or getting old, they will have to worry whether their husband will look for any younger girls. It is cruel, but it's true.
So ladies, I don't think it is too much to ask of you to at least try to satisfy your man sexually as you gets to enjoy it too. I can't tell you what to do in details in how to please your man, perhaps you can watch some porn and learn from it. Everything you see in porn, turns men on. And if you need any pointers, you can always PM me and I guarantee 100% P&C.
P/S: I am not writing the above based on my own assumption. I have seen and know enough and am sharing my personal experience with you.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Trick Or Treats?

Monday, October 26, 2009
About Spoiling Image
You see I have just taken some photos for my modeling portfolio in different images to show the versatility of me as a model. I was thinking of portrait something that I don't do in real life and that's how the smoking portraiture came into place.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Thinking Big
When Life gives me lemon, what do I do with it? I'll make lemonade then take the seeds and plant many lemon trees!!!! :D
Seriously, this is how we grow. We mustn't think in such microscopic manner because If you merely make lemonade out of the lemon, you only get the juice once and that's it. But if you plant the tree, you can have many more lemons to make the lemonade. In fact you can even sell the lemons and lemonade! :D
Maybe I think too much and too far ahead, but that's how I usually think..... THINK BIG!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
When Believe is not enough..
One of my friend replied and says, "if you believe you can, then you can". I can't disagree but neither can I 100% agree because there's always an 'if' follow after that phrase. Because it is not about doubting oneself but rather whether we have the self realisation about what we can do and what not.
Take singing for example, years after years we watch American Idol and each year there are thousands of people try out We have witnessed many who have strong belief and confidence in themselves that they are the next American Idol and they can sing well. But the fact is many of them are tone deaf and can't even carry a tune decently and yet, they believe they are good. Even their family and friends also believe that they are good.
Believing and having the confidence is one thing but at least you must have the basic requirement for certain things and then you try to improve and make it better. However, if you are tone deaf and people cannot even catch what song you are singing from start to end, how do you expect anymore from that.
We really have to be realistic and be humble to accept the fact and the family and friends shouldn't be giving false hope and encouragement blindly out of love.
The very fact is no matter how bad you want to be something or someone and no matter how hard you work towards it, if you don't have what it takes, you just don't have it. Period.
Monday, October 05, 2009
A little update
Lets see....what have I been doing lately? Hmmm....I must say not much and yet I didn't really have time to update my blog. Ok ok, I admit. It's more of laziness than business. :P
Oh well... most of the time was spent preparing for my photo shoot and ya, I've just finished shooting another round of photos in JB over the weekend. I must say it was really hectic and tiring but I enjoyed every second of it. Now I just need to wait patiently for my photographer to edit it then I can share a few pics with you guys here.
This round of shoot was a little different from the few shoots I did coz this round.... I think the guys will love this! I also did a collaboration with another babe. ^.^ I like her as she is really sweet.
I'm suppose to create videos for more songs from my album but I procrastinate for so many days :P. Suddenly I have the urge to do it today but Keith is not home (he is away for work till Wed) so have to wait till he's home coz only his PC has the software to create the video.
So that's all for now. Will update more when I have more energy. Wanted to go on leave today but was not approved so I was a walking office zombie today. Guess I'm gonna sleep early again tonight!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
My 33th Birthday
I make a point to celebrate it as much as possible and I'm celebrating it with loads of eating of great food. :D It's seems really fun to do it this way. :)
This year I had celebrated my b'day 2 days in a row with my hubby. He took me to Cava in Bangsar for Spanish food on the 9th Sep and Japanese food on the 10th Sep. But before that I've been eating a lot and I'm still eating and more eating to come as I'm gonna celebrate with my in laws tomorrow.
As usual, I received a bouquet of White Casablanca Lilies from my darling. :) He told me that he actually chose the flowers based on the meaning and it was certainly so sweet and thoughtful of him to do that in between his busy schedule. :)
I maybe another year older biologically but I sure don't feel upset nor older. Hahahaha...age is just a number, it is all in our head!
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
About Keeping In Shape
Seriously, I have no answer and I have no secret or any special diet regime to share. I'm serious. Very often, people always think that there must be something I'm doing secretly to stay slim and not willing to share coz when I replied that I don't do anything particular to stay slim, sometimes I get offended looks and I can see from their expressions that they don't believe me.
Alright, if there's really anything I'm doing to make sure I stay slim and not put on weight, just only one thing, it is not a secret, in fact it is what I usually share with people whenever they complain that they can't fit into their existing clothes due to the extra pounds they have gained and having to buy new wardrobes that they can fit into.
I think this is the biggest mistake everyone makes. When you put on a little weight and the pants seems a little tight, you quickly go and buy a new pair of pants in bigger size so that you can wear more comfortably. And after a while, you find that the new pants no longer fit as you have put on some more weight and once again you rush to the department store and get a bigger size that you can fit in nicely. Need I say more? If you keep doing that, before you realise it, you will be out of control!!!! Even though some might say they would keep their old pants/blouses and wait till they lose weight and to use its again. Believe me, it will never happen if you do not discipline yourself.
It's not that I am so Lucky that I can never put on weight. This is not true. I do gain extra pounds on my thighs if I consume too much RICE. Yes, it is my biggest enemy. So I try to avoid it as much as I can. But staying away from rice doesn't help much coz I love to eat, so too much of eating other stuff would also eventually make me gain weight, so what do I do to stay slim all these years while I still get to enjoy all my favourite food?
Mmmmmm.. the trick is...never give in to the extra bulge or tightness. Whenever I feel that my pants are a little tight, I take it as a warning sign and I'll try to cut down all my favourite fatty food. I would never allow myself to make any purchase of new clothes when I know that I have put on some weight coz by doing so, you are giving yourself away. And each time you allow that to happen, one fine day, you will find that you are too far gone and even harder to put off the weight and most people would end up give in and give up.
So you see, there really isn't any secret that I'm keeping from you guys. Just do as I do and you should be able to keep your figure. :)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Can Someone Arrest Him Already?!?!?
It is an open 'secret' that many Malays/Muslims do consume alcohol, they either do it privately or openly in the pubs with their peers. There are many photographs available on the internet showing many ministers' children are also partying & consuming alcohol openly in pub/disco with their friends and even they were not caught by the religious officers at that time, aren't the photos say enough? So why no one actually arrest and charge them?!?!
I've received some photos from a friend last year of a well known politic figure and his wife drinking beer with a group of friends at a private premise. I've been keeping the mail but never once forward to anyone else, but then I think now is the time to show the people what kind of Hypocrites are running our country!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Challenge, Fear & Pressure...
It is inevitable to face pressure in our daily life. We get it from work, family and friends and even from strangers that we do not know. The more pressure we have, the more fear we built up in us and the more difficult to get things done.
Can we turn all these negative influences into something positive? How can we make use of the fear and pressure and turn them into positive energy?
We have it in us, just that not all of us know how to deal and work on it. As everyone deal with their stress and fear differently thus there is no sure proof method on telling someone how he/she should do it. I guess we can always use the fear and pressure as motivation and encouragement to do better, to move forward and not to hold us back or retreating. Try thinking of some rewards for yourself if you could achieve or overcome certain things.
I always believe that the biggest thing to challenge myself with is, well MYSELF. As all of us have our own capabilities as well as limitations, so we can never be the best of all coz somewhere around the world, there are always people who are much better than us.
So why do we want to pressure ourselves by challenging other people's limit? The biggest achievement is not about how many people we could win out there coz we can never win them all. The most important thing is having our own breakthrough. We do better than what we think we could. When you achieve something better than you can imagine, you surprise yourselves again by making another bigger achievement. You have done your best and you have go beyond your limit, so even if you lose to others that doesn't make you any less than others.
For example, if there is a singing competition where the contestants are make out of Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Diana Ross, Christina Aguilera and other many great singers, let say if Mariah Carey wins the competition, does it mean the rest are not as good a singer than Mariah Carey? Of course NOT!
So that's what I'm trying to say if you can follow me.
Do not be afraid to lose to others by giving more pressure to ourselves. Really, coz what really matter is to win ourselves over. Selah! ;)
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Choosing The Right Songs
I have to forgo a few songs chosen earlier coz after trying out in the studio, both my sound engineer & I agreed that some songs are not suitable for my voice even though I like it very much. I've decided a few more songs and hope that I can nail those songs and able to finish my recording next week.
Once I complete this album, I can start concentrating on composing my own songs. Another thing I've been wanting to do long long time ago. :)
It feels great and fulfilling when you finally working towards your dreams and see it being materialised. Wish I've started all these earlier but then it is better late than never coz at least I no longer just sit here and 'dream' about it, I am Acting on it. :)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
These Are Our Police...Or Samseng?!?!?
I do not know what was the guy's offence as he could have beaten, robbed, rapped or killed someone...or he could have committed a minor offense...or he might be innocence of any crime.
Whatever it is I do not agree with what our police have done to that guy. We have laws so they should just let that guy be punished under the law and not take things in their own hair. Being a police give them no rights to mistreat or assault people as they like.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
2nd Phase...
I almost given up as the sound engineers were all fully booked by other artists and I thought maybe it wasn't meant to be since I've waited since Jan. But then last Thursday, my vocal trainer finally told me that I can start doing my recording. And there I went quickly arranged with the sound engineer for today.
I've spent 2 hours in the studio recorded 2 songs. My trainer told me I did very well and very fast coz a lot of people would take 3-4 hours just to record one song. I wonder if it is true or she was just trying to encourage me and makes me feel good.
I think I did pretty well even though I had to redo many times in order to get the perfect pitch and all. I was very nervous at first but thank goodness the sound engineer is good so I felt more relax after a while. It was a very nice & fun experience but my legs were killing me as I stood for 2 hours for the recording.
I'll be going for another session this Thursday to record other songs and hopefully I'll be more relax this time.
And I'm glad I've finally move into the 2nd phase towards my dream. :)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
It's Finally Here.....
I finally going to start on my recording next Tuesday and I'm very excited and nervous about it. I've dreaming about this moment from young and finally one of my dream is gonna be fulfilled.
I must take care of my vocal cord well and practice even more so I'll do great and need not spend too much time. My teacher said from today onwards I must stay away from all deep fried, spicy & oily food. I mustn't take cold water and I must get enough rest and sleep early. I also need to take Manuka honey and go for swim to strengthen my lungs capacity.
Wahhhhh...lots of preparation work to do but I know it will be all worthy at the end of the day!!!
My teacher said I mustn't get too excited and nervous about it. So I'm going to try to stay calm & cool. WooHoo...... :P
Friday, July 10, 2009
Presentable? No?!
I know I should let it go and not talk about it anymore and let go I did, but I'm just still can't comprehend that kind of comment from a total stranger. For crying out loud, it was just some photos taken by 2 friends for fun so that they could practice and improve their photography skills while I get the chance to feel how is it like to be a 'model'.
You see, I am really used to people telling me that I'm not pretty when I was young and I had totally NO self esteem at all. There were plenty of emotional breakdown in the past of me crying and complaining about how disgusting I find myself each time I look into the mirror and seeing my own reflection. I only managed to build up some self esteem 2 years back by the help of my hubby unconditional love & patience and made me understand and realise that I should love myself and be grateful for what God has given me. And I've learned to accept who I am and how I look.
It is not an easy thing to go through growing up with people telling you that you are not pretty and that you are always the last choice because you don't look as cute or pretty as the others. I am still struggling with self esteem issue and sometimes it is really hard to keep up the positive thinking and motivation.
I wasn't upset at all when the person commented that I'm not pretty but I was utterly shock that she actually said I'm not 'Presentable'?!?!! I'm not pretty alright but who cares, that's the face God has given me and how God has made me. the extend of being not presentable, that is really hurtful coz seriously, even though I never think myself as 'pretty' or 'beautiful' I never realise that I am that 'ugly' to the point that being not presentable at all.
Should I hide myself at home or wear a mask when I go out so that I will not disgust people?
Friday, July 03, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009
It seems like we have just celebrated the new year a month ago but the very fact is, we have crossed half a year of 2009 and just another 5 months 28 more days to 2010.
Looking back the past 6 months, try to reflect on the things you have done and achieved and what you should have done but it's not? Personally, I can't say that I have really achieve anything so far but at least I have taken many first steps to try out stuffs that I've been wanting to do since a very long time. I don't really know what will all these lead to and whether I'll achieve what I've intended, but, I am certainly enjoying the process of getting there.
Not forgetting my beloved hubby, Keith, who has been really loving, patience, understanding and supportive in everything I do and I thank God for him. :)
Sometimes I do feel kind of guilty for asking and wanting to do so many things but I am not getting any younger so I guess it is a do or never kind of situation for me, hence this is my moment and I think I should go all out to work on getting what I want and not be procrastinate any longer. No matter what is the outcome, I'll be contend with it. As long as I know I've done my best. :)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Who is Losing It?
I've been seeing a lot of Indian guys dating Chinese girls or you can say Chinese girls dating Indian guys. And I wonder why? Are Indian girls losing their appeals to their own race or are the Chinese guys not as attractive as our fellow Indians?
I'm just being curious and am certainly not racist so whoever read this (especially the races been mentioned here) please do not get offended.
Perhaps, I should call it Fate. :)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Going All Out
I love the song called 'The Climb' by Miley Cyrus and it is true that it really doesn't matter how fast I get there or what awaits me on the other side of the route, the most important thing is the journey, the effort to do my best and attempt to reach my dreams.
In the end if nothing happen, at least I know I've try my best and I know I will not regret that I've not done anything at all. :)
I am thankful for God's guidance & Keith's full support in the things I'm trying out now.
So wish me luck people! :)
Thursday, June 04, 2009
How to buy?!
When I was about to leave I happened to pass by a boutique and spotted a white blouse. It caught my eyes immediately coz it's really nice & unique. I walked in to the shop and checked out the price tag and it gave me a shock.
It cost RM 99.90!!!! Not branded but so expensive!!!! I asked the shop assistant if there is any discount and the lady told me, "Member gets 20% discount. RM 10/- to be a member. So after discount this blouse will cost RM 89.90 (inclusive membership fee)". I was like thanks but no thanks. So, I left the shop.
But now, I can't stop thinking about the blouse coz it is really unique & nice. But I don't want to spend RM99.9. on a blouse. Some of my dresses only cost me RM 25/ a piece, so why should I pay 3 times more the price to purchase something that can only cover my upper body?!??!'s really nice... :( Should I or should't I?................No I shouldn't.
STOP thinking about it already. Sigh................
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Twilight Fever...
Meanwhile, I can't wait for New Moon to hit the cinema in Nov 2009.
Guess I'm gonna ignore someone once I start reading again. Sorry honey...... :P
I am so in love with da Vamps!!! I think the fever will not go away so soon.... hahaha
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Happiness is a CHOICE
Everyone has their ups & downs in life, so am I. I have been through quite a lot in my coming to 33 years of life. Of course I have nothing to be compared to the life my grandparents or my parents lived, and I certainly can't compare myself to the slump dogs or those super rich people like Oprah Winfrey. Nevertheless, I have my own unique life story and it is certainly mine to live. :)
As much as we want everything to be the way we want it, many things are just beyond our control. We can’t control the condition of the traffic, how others perceive us, how much our employer should pay us (though it would be nice, hahaha), how do we look and many more.
When tragedy or something bad happens, our very natural-human-emotion will trigger the sadness and anger. We feel that we are being mistreated, our life sucks big time, our job is horrible, our wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend is not as good as others, and basically nothing seems right in our ‘pathetic’ life.
We start comparing and thinking the grass is greener on the other side and we would start planning our sweet escape. Again, like I said, not everything can be the way we want it to be so while some people are luckily enough to get out or get away from their current so called ‘bad/terrible’ situation, some poor souls are not as fortunate.
Take our work for instant, work is work, whether it is a lot or little, work will never change. We need to put food on our table and we are paid to do the job in order to earn our bread, so like it or not, all of us are in a way oblige to our employers and to at least commit our time and effort to a certain expectant level.
But as long as there is ‘human being’ involved, earning a living is not as straight forward or as plain and simple as it seems apart from the job challenges. Because, people come in different packages and that makes things complicated.
Now…. We are stuck in a situation and with people that we do not like and to make things worst, we have no where to run to due to our circumstances at that moment of time.
So what we do or how we react? We are unhappy, de-motivated and we are stuck so the only natural things would happen are our job performance is deteriorating, we grumble a lot on small little things (which we used to just brush it off with a smirk), works pressure is growing on us, everything and everyone seems like against us. Some of us may break down and totally lose it at work or some might cry & suffer in silence. Of course I have been thru similar situation and I am of course the cry & suffer in silence type. Only my hubby knows it and he is the only comfort I could turn to.
However, over the years, I realise that we don’t always have the rainbow, the sunshine and the sweet candies in our lives. Life will always be unfair to many people and there’s nothing much we can do to change that. We have to learn how to make the best out of what we have by tackling each different situation with an open mind and be indifference towards certain things in our life. I’m not saying not to care about what’s going on but learn to be indifferent so that nothing could hurt us and bother us as easily.
It has come to my senses that since we can’t run and we certainly can’t hide, instead of doing the job or living our life with constant whining, tears, anger and oh-pity-me-I-am-so-unlucky attitude, we might as well do the job and live our life with laughter, peace and positive attitude coz believe me, you will find that things are not as bad after all and life ain’t that bad if you stop your self pitying s*** and focus on the bigger and more important things in life.
It is not easy and sometimes it is really hard to control the emotion and not let the situation or people affect us but each time, I’ll try my best to calm myself down by telling myself whatever I am facing it is nothing compare to the people in third world countries because no matter how bad things may seems at least I still have food to eat, a roof to live in, people who love & care for me and many other wonderful things going on in my life. Misfortunes and unhappiness are just part of our life and we shouldn’t spoil our lives just because of some stains and flaws.
We have to look at our life at a macroscopic way and stop harping on the microscopic things and prolong our unhappiness. Life is way too precious and too short to be wasted like this.
We can always choose to indulge in sadness or we can choose to live with happiness and make peace with others and especially ourselves.
Happiness is a choice. That’s what I’ve chosen.
What about you?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I hardly have the chance to spend time alone after married. No doubt my hubby do travel every now and then but most of his trips fall on weekdays thus to me that doesn't count as I'm working during weekdays myself and most of the time I would be so spent after a long day work so I don't really have the chance to enjoy the 'alone' time. You know basically the same routine, go home, shower, dinner, rest for a while and hit the sack.
Hmmm... don't get me wrong....I don't like to be left alone all the time and when my hubby travel, I do miss him a lot. However, it is real nice to have some time to just spend it with myself once in a while and that opportunity is rare.
Tomorrow my hubby will be travelling to Bangkok and back on this Sunday evening. So put aside the 3 working days, basically I'll have the whole weekend all by myself. There was an initial plan to go to Taiping or Ipoh with my colleagues for a 2D/1N trip but it is cancelled due to some unforeseen circumstances. So now I'm left with a weekend without my hubby and I have no idea what should I do.
I'm contemplating of going to Karaoke, book sales, stay home & read or hangout with friends. I can't really make up my mind yet but then again I can be quite lazy sometimes so I might just stay home & bury myself in all the books I've bought while waiting for him to come home. :)
Whatever it is I should spend this weekend wisely and not waste it by just lazing around and do nothing like sitting at home and Facebook-ing. :P
Thursday, April 30, 2009
He Has His Way....
I usually dislike people who can't keep things to themselves when they are not suppose to share the info to others, however for this particular incident, I am thankful to have these bunch of people or else I wouldn't quite know the actual situation and would have jump in to a SH** HOLE after come out from the Fire Pot. :D
Anyway, I am thankful that God has guide me all these while and be there for me whenever and wherever.
For now, I just gonna take things easy and if something greater come along, God will let me know and lead me through it.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I have been very truthful and open with everything about myself and what I want in my career and I think I've done quite a good job today. There will be one more session before I know my fate.
I believe if it is really meant to be, God will sort it all out for me (for things that are beyond my control).
Have faith, girl! Muacks (giving myself a kiss, hehehehe)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Backside PAIN!!!
Phewww... I was lucky or what. After my previous experience with my leg injury, I am very scare of falling. Anyway, I fell and because I locked the bathroom's door, thus I figure no point for me to call Keith to my rescue as he would not be able to come in and it might only make him panic. So I just sat on the floor and indulge in the sharp pain on my right wrist & right bum until I could find my strength to push myself up.
I then wash & dry myself slowly, dress up then only I went to Keith and told him what happened to me in the bathroom. Needless to say he was very concerned and asked me why didn't I scream for help. Hmm... first, the bathroom door was locked and 2nd I don't think he could hear me as my bedroom door was closed and he was playing Poker with some friends in the living hall.
It was really painful and I had difficulty to get up once I sit down. I think my bum is bruise inside. It actually got better by Sunday evening coz I can even wear my 3" heels when I was out for dinner. But then I kind of injured it further this morning on my way to work coz I had to carry my notebook (took it back over the weekend to do some work). I guess it was the extra weight and pressure added on plus the 4 flights of staircase I had to climbed up.
By the time I reach my office, the pain intensified and I ended up limping a little when I walk now. I also have to be very cautious when I walk, bend and sit. Sigh.... hope it heals soon as it is really inconvenience for me since I have to move around rather often in the office. Not to mention that the pain is really bothersome!!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Exppressing 'Love'
People tend to listen to what their idols told them to do and try to do whatever they could just to get a glimpse, a handshake, an autograph or more of their idols. I remember during my teenage years, my mom used to tell me that the youngster these days always like to go against their parents' wills but take heed of what their idols tell them to do.
How many of us would actually tell our parents, our siblings, relatives or friends that we love them? Some do but most of the people don't. Why? Oh well, it's because we are shy and feel really awkward expressing our love to our loved ones, those who care for us and we cared for. It's just too embarrassing to say, "Daddy, I love you" or to your sister, "Katy, I love you". But somehow, we can shout loudly and shamelessly to someone who don't know us and who obviously don't care about us coz we are no one to them. I wonder where are all the shyness & awkwardness gone to???
It is not wrong to have idol(s). My point is, if only we can at least express and show our love more often to those who are really dear to us and listen to the advice of those who care for us. After all, your idol is not going to be the one to care for you when you are ill, and certainly your idol will not be the one who listen to your problem when you need a pair of ears or lend his/her shoulder to you when you need a shoulder to cry on (unless your idol is so happen your personal friend).
It's not necessary to say "I love you' loudly to anyone as different people have different way of showing their love. Anyway, whether you are showing your love by saying it out loud, giving a hug, doing little caring things or etc, just do anything that express your love to the special ones in your life to let them know that you love them and care for them.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Flu Flu...
Keith has fallen sick with flu & fever since Sunday and actually he has not fully recovered till date. As he falls sick more often than I do, I like to tease him for being weaker than me and stuff sometimes.
On Wednesday night, he warned me not to drink from the same bottle as he coz he worried he might spread the virus to me. Oh well, I've been drinking from the same cup/bottle with him since Sunday, so I thought if I would have get it, it wouldn't take so long to infect me. So I berlagak (action) lah.... I told him I'm much stronger & healthier than him and while telling him that I showed of my biceps (to further prove my point).
And I spoke too soon....
I woke up with a slight sore throat the next morning. In the afternoon about 5pm I suddenly realised my left nostril is blocked and my right nostril is feeling rather dry & painful. I didn't know why but I suppose it was due to the air-cond and since I can't leave office just yet, I took a piece of tissue to cover my nose and continue working.
Came home after work and felt miserable coz it hurts so much to breathe. Every breath I take is hurting me so bad, but I can’t stop breathing either. I have to choose between enduring the pain or stop breathing and die!!! Of course I don’t want to die. Not now!!!
I had to sleep without air-cond so end up Keith had to sleep in the living hall coz he wouldn’t be able to sleep without the air-cond. It was very warm for me too but at least my nose wouldn’t hurt so much as compare to sleeping with the air-cond on.
Woke up this morning, luck was not at my side. I woke up with a slight runny nose but damn… the pain just wouldn’t go away. My right nostril is still feeling dry & painful each time I breathe even with my nose fluid flowing down (running nose mah). As I have loads of things to do in office so I was very reluctant to take sick leave but then I know I wouldn’t be able to take the cold air in the office without any protection for my nose, so I had to wear mask at work.
Everyone was asking me why was I wearing mask and they laughed at me. They laughed!!! How sympathetic they are. :P Hahahaha…. They said I look cute and wanted to take picture. *&@*?#*!$*”^)%.....
One of my colleagues saw me, laughing non stop then he showed all kind of funny actions & shouted at me: “Hikkk! POWER RANGER!!!”, I shouted back: “No!!! I’m NINJA TURTLE!!!”. He kept calling me Power Ranger but I insisted I’m TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle), then he gave up and called me ‘Turtle’.
Then late in the afternoon another colleague came in to office, saw me wearing the mask, he frowned and asked me: “Why are you wearing mask? SARS happen again?”, so I played along, “Yes, yes, SARS! SARS!”. All these jokers! :D
Oh I forgot to mention, I went to see doctor after lunch wanting to get the nasal spray & some medication. So I walked to the clinic (nearby my office). I registered myself and was called in to the consultation room shortly. While walking towards the room I saw a young Chinese girl sitting in the room and I was wondering why the doctor calls me in while he/she has another patient in the room. When I reach the door, I realized she is the doctor on duty (name, Michelle). I was very surprise as I’ve never seen a young Chinese female doctor before. Ok I lied, I’ve seen young Chinese female doctor before but the reason I was so overreacted is because this young doctor is quite pretty looking. So I was very excited and happy (ok I must stress that I’m not Bi nor Les, ok?) coz I like to see pretty girls.
Anyway, many people said want to see my TMNT look in my FB today so I purposely took a shot of myself.
So this is for you bunch of ‘Kepochi’!!! (Busybody) :P
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Blown Away....
We have seen and heard many live bands performing in various hotels in KL/PJ and the live band in Shangri-la hotel is the best thus far.
This band hail from Philippine (as most of the live bands are) comprised of 2 girls & 1 guy. The reason why they are our favourite is because not only they can do all kind of songs but all 3 have really nice vocals.
What impressed me the most is not only they can do songs ranging from oldies, contemporary, fast and slow beats, they can also freaking do Classical!!! How many live band you come across can actually deliver a song like Time To Say Goodbye (Por Ti Volare)?
Most male keyboardist/pianist cum singer in the live bands we've seen everywhere don't really sing that well, but my my, the male member in this particular group will really blow your mind when you hear him sing this lovely song.
So next time if you are there, go ahead & dedicate this song and be really really impressed!!!
I told Keith that I'm gonna dedicate this song everytime we go to the lounge so that I can listen to the awesome vocals again... :D
And not forgetting the female singer (the prettier one) who is always so energetic, passionate, sexy, sweet, funny & with such great showmanship. She is the soul of the band. :) She is just awesome (wish I can perform like her though).
This video is a version sang by Andrea Bocelli & Sara Brigtman - Time To Say Goodbye....
It was delivered beautifully & powerfully by the lounge singers at Shangri-la hotel. I had goose bumps all over when they came to the finale of the song...
Enjoy! :)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Terminology of the Women's Vocab... :D
2. Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3. Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
4. Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
5. Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6. That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7. Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome'. that will bring on a 'whatever'
8. Whatever: Is a woman's way of saying F--- YOU!
9. Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
I was given lots of free movie tickets & free popcorn combo set passes by my bro in law for movies at Cathay Cineplex. Keith & I had our movie marathon 2 weeks ago on our own for we only had 8 tickets. We gave away our popcorn coupons as we didn't want to waste it. That was easy.
This round I was given even more tickets and I shared them with my friends & even FB friends. each movie passes comes with a popcorn combo set.
We went to another round of movie marathon with 4 other friends today. As we don't intend to use all the popcorn coupons so instead of wasting it, again I gave it to some lucky strangers who were queuing up for their snacks & movie tickets.
And that's when I truly understand how it feels like when you offer to give away something free and people actually turned you down!
So, the incident was like this....
Me as L, Keith as K and the stranger (Chinese guy) as S.
L: Hi! are you planning to buy the popcorn set?
S: Ya, I am.
L: Alright, may I know how many set do you intend to buy?
S: Mmm.. think I'll buy 2 sets.
L: Oh, that's great. Actually I have some extra free popcorn combo set coupons, so I would like to give it to you. Don't worry, it's free.
S: It's free? thank you. I think it's ok.
(My brain was clotted for a split second and I was stunned for a while)
(This guy just said 'No' to my offer of giving him my free coupons?!?!?)
That's when Keith walked up next to me and came into my rescue...
K: It's really free... (and I quickly added)
L:'s free and there's no catch.
S: It's free, is it? Oh ok, thanks a lot.
So I quickly tear down 2 coupons and passed it to S and walked away. I still had a few more coupons at that time but I was kind of offended by S's reaction so I passed the rest of the coupons to Keith & asked him to gave away the rest.
So S went to the counter and passed the coupons to the cinema's crew. And I think when he found out that it was a real deal, he turn to face me and thank me furiously, twice.
See, want to give away free stuff also not easy as no one believes there is such thing as 'free' coz in order for us to get 'free' stuff, we must always spend a certain amount of money first.
Well, to me when I have goodies & free stuffs and I know Keith & me can't utilise it all, I rather share it with my family, friends and yes, even strangers because it makes me happy when I make someone happy. :)
So you people out there....I'll love to share it again if I get any free stuffs in the future. So, watch out! :P
Sunday, March 01, 2009
When The Door Of Opportunity Opens...
Anybody can achieve anything. Do you believe that? I do.
But there is a caveat that must be made. Those who succeed are those who walk through the door of opportunity when it swings open. That we know. But what is the secret to getting through the door of opportunity?
Being outside the door when it swings open.
As the story goes, Frank Sinatra got his big break while working as a waiter. One day, as he was waiting tables, who does he see sitting in the restaurant, but one of the biggest names in the music industry. Old Blue Eyes did the unbelievable: He cleared off a table next to the gentleman and got up on it and sang! He knew he was done at the restaurant for doing so, but how many times would this door of opportunity open up? Needless to say, the rest is history.
You may remember my article about the stagehand for Kenny G who one day was in the auditorium with Kenny, just the two of them, when he started to play every song for him on the piano that was set up. Kenny didn't even know the guy could play the piano. Guess who is now the lead keyboardist for Kenny G? You got it!
You see, you never know when the door of opportunity is going to open wide. For some, the big break comes early in life and for others later on. But for all of those who become successful, there is one key similarity: They were ready. And for every one of those who were ready, there were thousands more who weren't.
So, the principle for us is: Be ready!
Are you ready? Here are some thoughts for you to consider. Are your skills as sharp as they could be? Are they enough so when your shot comes you can perform? Is your character deep enough to handle success? Let's face it; you don't want big success if your character won't be able to handle it.
Are you working hard to position yourself now? The job to do while waiting for the door to open is to develop your skills and your character, so as to position yourself to get through that door before it closes. Your door will open someday. It opens for everyone. It may only open once or it may open many times. It is different for everyone and life just isn't fair that way. But everybody gets a shot. Will you be ready? When that huge door of opportunity opens up, will you be able to walk boldly through it?
Do everything you can to be ready. Don't just sit and wish and dream. Be proactive and make sure that you are the most qualified when the door opens. Make sure that you are the hardest worker. Make sure you are the closest to the door.
When it opens – Be Ready!
Shhh. Do you hear that? Hinges creaking! It is the sound of the door opening. Your door of opportunity! Are you ready?
The door of opportunities were opened for me couple of times but I did not grasp it.... perhaps I was too young at that time and lack the maturity & self confidence.
To be a singer is my dream from young. I’ve started singing even before I could talk (that’s what my mom told me) and I’ve joined many singing contests since primary school till college. And I was once a part time wedding singer during my secondary & college days. I was once approached by a local producer but guess I took things too easy. Coz how many people got the chance to be approached by a producer and yet I did not do what others might have done. I didn’t show much interest and enthusiasm wanting to be a recording artist…. Well, the rest is history.
Oh, you might be wondering why I’ve stopped being a part time singer since I love singing so much. 2 reasons, I started work after college plus I was sexually harassed by my then manager. So I quit.
I’ve always thought that the reason why I didn’t end up to be a singer was because I’m not as lucky as others or I did not try hard enough to achieve my dream. But looking back, the truth is, I did ‘Nothing’ at all. I was waiting…and waiting….and waiting…. Seriously I didn’t know what was I waiting for, coz I’ve missed the opportunity when it came knocked on my door. I could have been more aggressive and took the initiative to look for the opportunity. But, I did nothing.
I know I must do something. It is never too late to try to achieve my dream because singing is a timeless thing. It has no age limits. One can be as young as 2 or as old as 80, as long as the passion is there, one can sing until he/she swallow the last breath.
I’m not afraid to fail after trying, what scares me the most is not even trying and spend the rest of my life wondering what could have happen if I try and succeed. I believe I can do it and in the end if things don’t work out as planned, at least I know I’ve done my best and I’ll have no regrets.
I’ve started taking vocal class to further improve my skill and will slowly get myself involve in live performances. I want to be the one who is up the stage singing & performing instead dreaming & wishing that I’m the one singing every time I see any live band performance. :D
Opporunity doesn't come knock on everyone's door all the time, sometimes, we need to create our own door(s)...
So, wish me luck!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Japlish... OMG!!!
1. Very difficult to make up what it is about ?

2. Maybe in Japan, there are Males who are not 'Man'
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Catching Up...
I've been sitting on it for months and people keep asking me whether the reunion will be materialised. Frankly, I so want to meet up with my old friends but was too busy, lazy & procrastinate till now.
Gosh..must really look into the calendar and set a date and send out a mass-invitation to all in FB. This is the beauty of FB. I actually found back most of my ex-colleagues, ex-schoolmates & even my long lost best friend. :)
Wait a does one losses his/her BEST FRIEND in the first place, you call that best friend?!? I don't know (don't ask me). it just happened somehow. :P
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
My Attire
This is my working attire today.
One of my colleague came to me, staring at me & smiling cheekily.... I hardly see this colleague in office as he always travel around, but he usually addresses me as 'pretty' (most of the time) or 'princess' (if I wear dress), lets call him Q,
Q:"Your attire today don't suits this place" (as in office)
Me:"Don't suit this place? Then, where?" (in my heart I thought he was going to say 'school')
But then he continued...
Q:"You know there are these kind of bar with a pole at the center where you can do pole dancing? You look like a striptease pole dancer."
Immediately I burst out in laughter coz I really thought he would say I look like either a teacher or student, but a pole dancer?!?!??!
So I joked, "Ya, don't you know I do striptease & pole dancing at night?", then he asked me the where about coz he wants to go and watch.... crazy fella... >Blush< ... I felt so shy after that...hmmmm...
But seriously, I don't think I'm that fashionable or a trend setter, but I always get many compliments abt my dressing and mind you people seems to paying a lot of attention on what I wear everyday and people say I always change style (hope it's a good thing though).
But I guess it's about knowing ourselves and wear what is right ( in terms of cuttings & colours) according to our body type & the overall to bring out the best features.
Another colleague of mine asked me the other day if I studied Fashion Design coz he said I really know how to dress well. Well, I never like to follow any trend, I just wear what's nice on me. To follow any trend blindly can be a fashion disaster.
And sometimes I wonder if some people check themselves in the mirror before they leave the house coz some individuals really have no fashion sense but then again, they have the rights to put on whatever they like. so I better hold my tongue and not comment anything further. :P
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
This is called 'Faith.' His name is Faith!
This dog was born on Christmas Eve in 2002. He was born with 3 legs - 2 healthy hind legs and 1 abnormal front leg which need to be amputated. He of course could not walk when he was born. Even his mother did not want him.

I hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone and that everyone can appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day that follows.