It all started yesterday afternoon....
Keith has fallen sick with flu & fever since Sunday and actually he has not fully recovered till date. As he falls sick more often than I do, I like to tease him for being weaker than me and stuff sometimes.
On Wednesday night, he warned me not to drink from the same bottle as he coz he worried he might spread the virus to me. Oh well, I've been drinking from the same cup/bottle with him since Sunday, so I thought if I would have get it, it wouldn't take so long to infect me. So I berlagak (action) lah.... I told him I'm much stronger & healthier than him and while telling him that I showed of my biceps (to further prove my point).
And I spoke too soon....
I woke up with a slight sore throat the next morning. In the afternoon about 5pm I suddenly realised my left nostril is blocked and my right nostril is feeling rather dry & painful. I didn't know why but I suppose it was due to the air-cond and since I can't leave office just yet, I took a piece of tissue to cover my nose and continue working.
Came home after work and felt miserable coz it hurts so much to breathe. Every breath I take is hurting me so bad, but I can’t stop breathing either. I have to choose between enduring the pain or stop breathing and die!!! Of course I don’t want to die. Not now!!!
I had to sleep without air-cond so end up Keith had to sleep in the living hall coz he wouldn’t be able to sleep without the air-cond. It was very warm for me too but at least my nose wouldn’t hurt so much as compare to sleeping with the air-cond on.
Woke up this morning, luck was not at my side. I woke up with a slight runny nose but damn… the pain just wouldn’t go away. My right nostril is still feeling dry & painful each time I breathe even with my nose fluid flowing down (running nose mah). As I have loads of things to do in office so I was very reluctant to take sick leave but then I know I wouldn’t be able to take the cold air in the office without any protection for my nose, so I had to wear mask at work.
Everyone was asking me why was I wearing mask and they laughed at me. They laughed!!! How sympathetic they are. :P Hahahaha…. They said I look cute and wanted to take picture. *&@*?#*!$*”^)%.....
One of my colleagues saw me, laughing non stop then he showed all kind of funny actions & shouted at me: “Hikkk! POWER RANGER!!!”, I shouted back: “No!!! I’m NINJA TURTLE!!!”. He kept calling me Power Ranger but I insisted I’m TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle), then he gave up and called me ‘Turtle’.
Then late in the afternoon another colleague came in to office, saw me wearing the mask, he frowned and asked me: “Why are you wearing mask? SARS happen again?”, so I played along, “Yes, yes, SARS! SARS!”. All these jokers! :D
Oh I forgot to mention, I went to see doctor after lunch wanting to get the nasal spray & some medication. So I walked to the clinic (nearby my office). I registered myself and was called in to the consultation room shortly. While walking towards the room I saw a young Chinese girl sitting in the room and I was wondering why the doctor calls me in while he/she has another patient in the room. When I reach the door, I realized she is the doctor on duty (name, Michelle). I was very surprise as I’ve never seen a young Chinese female doctor before. Ok I lied, I’ve seen young Chinese female doctor before but the reason I was so overreacted is because this young doctor is quite pretty looking. So I was very excited and happy (ok I must stress that I’m not Bi nor Les, ok?) coz I like to see pretty girls.
Anyway, many people said want to see my TMNT look in my FB today so I purposely took a shot of myself.
So this is for you bunch of ‘Kepochi’!!! (Busybody) :P
Keith has fallen sick with flu & fever since Sunday and actually he has not fully recovered till date. As he falls sick more often than I do, I like to tease him for being weaker than me and stuff sometimes.
On Wednesday night, he warned me not to drink from the same bottle as he coz he worried he might spread the virus to me. Oh well, I've been drinking from the same cup/bottle with him since Sunday, so I thought if I would have get it, it wouldn't take so long to infect me. So I berlagak (action) lah.... I told him I'm much stronger & healthier than him and while telling him that I showed of my biceps (to further prove my point).
And I spoke too soon....
I woke up with a slight sore throat the next morning. In the afternoon about 5pm I suddenly realised my left nostril is blocked and my right nostril is feeling rather dry & painful. I didn't know why but I suppose it was due to the air-cond and since I can't leave office just yet, I took a piece of tissue to cover my nose and continue working.
Came home after work and felt miserable coz it hurts so much to breathe. Every breath I take is hurting me so bad, but I can’t stop breathing either. I have to choose between enduring the pain or stop breathing and die!!! Of course I don’t want to die. Not now!!!
I had to sleep without air-cond so end up Keith had to sleep in the living hall coz he wouldn’t be able to sleep without the air-cond. It was very warm for me too but at least my nose wouldn’t hurt so much as compare to sleeping with the air-cond on.
Woke up this morning, luck was not at my side. I woke up with a slight runny nose but damn… the pain just wouldn’t go away. My right nostril is still feeling dry & painful each time I breathe even with my nose fluid flowing down (running nose mah). As I have loads of things to do in office so I was very reluctant to take sick leave but then I know I wouldn’t be able to take the cold air in the office without any protection for my nose, so I had to wear mask at work.
Everyone was asking me why was I wearing mask and they laughed at me. They laughed!!! How sympathetic they are. :P Hahahaha…. They said I look cute and wanted to take picture. *&@*?#*!$*”^)%.....
One of my colleagues saw me, laughing non stop then he showed all kind of funny actions & shouted at me: “Hikkk! POWER RANGER!!!”, I shouted back: “No!!! I’m NINJA TURTLE!!!”. He kept calling me Power Ranger but I insisted I’m TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle), then he gave up and called me ‘Turtle’.
Then late in the afternoon another colleague came in to office, saw me wearing the mask, he frowned and asked me: “Why are you wearing mask? SARS happen again?”, so I played along, “Yes, yes, SARS! SARS!”. All these jokers! :D
Oh I forgot to mention, I went to see doctor after lunch wanting to get the nasal spray & some medication. So I walked to the clinic (nearby my office). I registered myself and was called in to the consultation room shortly. While walking towards the room I saw a young Chinese girl sitting in the room and I was wondering why the doctor calls me in while he/she has another patient in the room. When I reach the door, I realized she is the doctor on duty (name, Michelle). I was very surprise as I’ve never seen a young Chinese female doctor before. Ok I lied, I’ve seen young Chinese female doctor before but the reason I was so overreacted is because this young doctor is quite pretty looking. So I was very excited and happy (ok I must stress that I’m not Bi nor Les, ok?) coz I like to see pretty girls.
Anyway, many people said want to see my TMNT look in my FB today so I purposely took a shot of myself.
So this is for you bunch of ‘Kepochi’!!! (Busybody) :P
Hope I recover soon coz as I'm typing this blog, my flu got worse but the dryness & pain is still there. How can that be?? I'm having running nose and yet my airway is dryand it still hurts at every breath I take. Really don't understand.... :(
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