When is your turn? When do you want to have kid? Don’t wait too long....
When you are single people keep asking if you have a boyfriend, when you have a boyfriend people keep asking when will you get married, when you are married then people will keep asking when do you want to have kid and start a family?
Sigh…..I don’t mean to offend anyone but these are the questions that I don’t like to hear from anyone. Just leave us alone!!!! We are not ready to have kid yet and we might not even want to have kid ever!!!! Who said after getting married must have children??? What is the reason of having children?
Having been asked and debated about this issue many times, these are the reasons I’ve gathered from everyone that why we should have kid.
1. To make your marriage complete and have a ‘Family’
2. You won’t be lonely when you are old
3. Your children could take care of you when you are old
4. 10 – 20 years down the road, when you are bored of each other, at least you have your children around
5. You’ll know the joy of parenthood when you have kid
Keith & I always have something to counter back…
1. Do you mean marriage without children will not have God’s blessing? You mean husband & wife are not regarded as ‘Family’?!?!
2. When your kids grow up they will be moving out and have their own life and own family so in the end it will still left with the 2 of us
3. How sure are you that your kids will take care of you when you are old? I’ve known many people where their children abandoned them or hardly visit them. So, there is no guarantee, you know?
4. There’s the problem of most people. To say that, it shows how negative people are about marriage. They often perceive marriage as the grave of romance. How sad!!!
5. Of course I know the joy of being a parent, but I also know there is more pain involved too.
The level of sacrifices, no more freedom, financial burden, heartache and worries about the kid safety & future, you have to always think of your kid first in everything you do, your kid become the primary and your spouse and yourself become secondary. Yes, I know them all.
You can call me selfish but I’m really reluctant to make all the sacrifices. To give up all my freedom knowing that when I wake up on Saturday morning, I can no longer think about what I want to have for breakfast and head straight for it, instead I have to get my kid ready, feed the little fellow before I can think of myself.
I used to love kids a lot and used to visualise the life with a son and daughter when I was younger. But, don’t know why, as I grow older I kind of reject the idea and prefer to just enjoy the couple hood, which all I need to think of is my hubby and myself.
I don’t know and I don’t want to think about this too much. Perhaps one day I’ll sing a totally different tune about having children but as for now, NO WAY.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
How 2 Avoid The Unavoidable?
If your ex-schoolmate whom you have not seen for many years tell you that you have not change a bit since school day, will you believe him or her? If you are in your 30’s, 40’s & so forth, and people keep telling you that you look like 5 to 10 years younger than your age, will you believe them? Well, the truth is, it doesn’t matter what is the level of truth in those comments, we would feel happy when we are told that we look younger than our age. Hey, don’t tell me you don’t, come on, and don’t lie! :P
Like it or not, everyone, men & women, black or white, we are all afraid of getting old and afraid of dying. But, as dreadful as its might be, these are all inevitable. The fact is, who doesn’t wish to looks young & stays young forever? I certainly DO! But, as much as we want to and trying hard to stop it or delaying it, we could never fight against the clock, we can’t slow it down for even a millisecond and we certainly can’t turn back time.
Then again, with the advancement of science & technology, we are now able to make ourselves look younger than our actual age, that is if you have the money to get all the expensive products that promised to take 5 to 10 years or some even claimed 20 years off your face, or better still, go for cosmetic surgery if one could afford it.
We can see it and hear it everywhere about anti-wrinkles cream, Q-10 anti-ageing cream, collagen supplement, placenta mask, tightening cream, botox, laser treatment, collagen filler and et cetera, all these are created and meant to slow down or minimize the signs of ageing on our face.
Trying to reduce the wrinkles on our face is one thing, to delay us from ageing and eventually passing is again a different story. Way back from the Ching Dynasty, the Emperor had tried to look for the remedy that would make him stays youthful & immortal. Till these days, our scientists have continuously research and looking for ways to slow down our ageing process and also to prolong our lives.
Everyone, including myself, wish to be young and look young. Some are not so lucky but some are really blessed. Many mothers these days actually dress up like their teenage daughter(s), and those who could maintain their body-shape well, can even share clothes with their daughter(s). How good is that!
There are many things in our life that affecting how we age as well as how long we will live. Put away the possibility of accidental death, let’s just focus on natural death. The elemental of course depends on our genes. Then, there are factors like stress, life styles, eating & drinking habits, sickness, cosmetics we use, skincare regime, sun exposure, free radical, and the like.
Do you think men are less vulnerable compare to women where ageing is concern? NOPE!!! If you notice the men around you, more and more are into facial treatment, skincare products, massage and many other stuffs that used to be classified as ‘No Men Allowed’ zone in the past, but these days, men are more concern about their outlook. It is not unusual to hear someone complaint that her boyfriend is spending much longer time to groom himself than she does.
Another way some men would try to ‘prove’ that they are still young is by dating girls half their age. They want to show to their friends that they still have it and they can still attract young girls. Poor men... not sure they really don’t know or they just pretend not to know that those young girls who are willing to be with the much older men not because the girls find the men young & attractive. What they attracted to are the money and gifts those men shower on them.
No matter what method we try to use to prove or prolong our youthfulness, we can only slowing it slightly and temporary. The most important thing is, one must always be cheerful and not take every single thing in life too seriously. Learn to laugh at your own miseries once in a while, learn to be self mockery every now and then and do not be afraid to act and talk a bit silly sometimes. What I’m trying to say is, try to think young and do not be afraid to admit your actual age. I always have the confidence to tell people my age and that actually help me to overcome my own fear of growing old.
Don’t ask me how a 32 years old lady should act; I have no answer for it. All I know is that I’m still pretty much acting the same as I was in my teenage years. I know some people might find me a little childish at times but it doesn’t matter, as long as I know how to carry myself appropriately at work and to be responsible in everything I do, I have the rights to be as silly as I want to be when I feel like it.
No matter how old we are, there’s always a child living in our hearts! So, release the child in you and be carefree!!! You'll be surprise what good it does to you my friend...
Like it or not, everyone, men & women, black or white, we are all afraid of getting old and afraid of dying. But, as dreadful as its might be, these are all inevitable. The fact is, who doesn’t wish to looks young & stays young forever? I certainly DO! But, as much as we want to and trying hard to stop it or delaying it, we could never fight against the clock, we can’t slow it down for even a millisecond and we certainly can’t turn back time.
Then again, with the advancement of science & technology, we are now able to make ourselves look younger than our actual age, that is if you have the money to get all the expensive products that promised to take 5 to 10 years or some even claimed 20 years off your face, or better still, go for cosmetic surgery if one could afford it.
We can see it and hear it everywhere about anti-wrinkles cream, Q-10 anti-ageing cream, collagen supplement, placenta mask, tightening cream, botox, laser treatment, collagen filler and et cetera, all these are created and meant to slow down or minimize the signs of ageing on our face.
Trying to reduce the wrinkles on our face is one thing, to delay us from ageing and eventually passing is again a different story. Way back from the Ching Dynasty, the Emperor had tried to look for the remedy that would make him stays youthful & immortal. Till these days, our scientists have continuously research and looking for ways to slow down our ageing process and also to prolong our lives.
Everyone, including myself, wish to be young and look young. Some are not so lucky but some are really blessed. Many mothers these days actually dress up like their teenage daughter(s), and those who could maintain their body-shape well, can even share clothes with their daughter(s). How good is that!
There are many things in our life that affecting how we age as well as how long we will live. Put away the possibility of accidental death, let’s just focus on natural death. The elemental of course depends on our genes. Then, there are factors like stress, life styles, eating & drinking habits, sickness, cosmetics we use, skincare regime, sun exposure, free radical, and the like.
Do you think men are less vulnerable compare to women where ageing is concern? NOPE!!! If you notice the men around you, more and more are into facial treatment, skincare products, massage and many other stuffs that used to be classified as ‘No Men Allowed’ zone in the past, but these days, men are more concern about their outlook. It is not unusual to hear someone complaint that her boyfriend is spending much longer time to groom himself than she does.
Another way some men would try to ‘prove’ that they are still young is by dating girls half their age. They want to show to their friends that they still have it and they can still attract young girls. Poor men... not sure they really don’t know or they just pretend not to know that those young girls who are willing to be with the much older men not because the girls find the men young & attractive. What they attracted to are the money and gifts those men shower on them.
No matter what method we try to use to prove or prolong our youthfulness, we can only slowing it slightly and temporary. The most important thing is, one must always be cheerful and not take every single thing in life too seriously. Learn to laugh at your own miseries once in a while, learn to be self mockery every now and then and do not be afraid to act and talk a bit silly sometimes. What I’m trying to say is, try to think young and do not be afraid to admit your actual age. I always have the confidence to tell people my age and that actually help me to overcome my own fear of growing old.
Don’t ask me how a 32 years old lady should act; I have no answer for it. All I know is that I’m still pretty much acting the same as I was in my teenage years. I know some people might find me a little childish at times but it doesn’t matter, as long as I know how to carry myself appropriately at work and to be responsible in everything I do, I have the rights to be as silly as I want to be when I feel like it.
No matter how old we are, there’s always a child living in our hearts! So, release the child in you and be carefree!!! You'll be surprise what good it does to you my friend...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Funny Commercials
These are some funny commercials I've seen from the net. Thought of just share it with all!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Don't rob them...
A very unusual topic jump out in our family conversation few days ago. I’ll refer my family member who brought up the topic as D here.
Basically, D has a friend called P. P has recently discovered that his daughter, A’s boyfriend, B, is having some heart problem. A & B are both 23 years old.
Now, what happened was P called D and ask for advise about how to separate A & B. P as a father who loves and cares for his daughter’s future so much does not want his daughter to get involve with someone who has what we call ‘critical illness’.
P thought of sending A off to Singapore so that she can’t be with B anymore. And D, as a good friend who was trying to think from P’s perspective comically suggested that after P sent A to Singapore, P should take away A’s hand phone so that she can no longer contact B and vice versa.
And the debate started:
Family Member 1: How can P does that? This is A & B’s life and they are 23 yrs old, should let them decide themselves. Shouldn’t encourage or give this kind of suggestion to P
D: But, this is like if you go and buy fruits, if it is not fresh or a bit spoil, you also won’t choose mah.
All family members: …..… (what kind of logic is that?!?!?! Everyone was stunned that they actually heard that from D. @@!)
Family Member 2: FYI, by taking away the hand phone will not help, these day there’s something call internet and email plus A can always buy back another phone. P shouldn’t do that lah….
D: But if you want to buy a dog and you notice that the dog something wrong sure you won’t choose the dog right?
All family members: (double stunned)
Family Member 1: Buying fruit and dog are totally different things. The fruit has no feeling and the dog has no feeling towards you (not until after you own it for a while). A & B have feeling for each other; they love each other so how can you separate them by force without thinking about their feelings?
Family Member 2: Furthermore, heart problem is treatable as long as you take proper care. You mustn’t get involve and encourage P to do that.
D: P just does not want his daughter to suffer later.
Family Member 3: We understand P’s intention but it’s his daughter’s life so let her decide herself.
Let say if last time when I dated my wife and we all know that she has some health problem, would you force me to leave her?
Family Member 2: Yap, like one of our family’s friend, she was diagnosed with cancer, went for surgery and chemotherapy and yet her then boyfriend still married her.
D: …………….. (I think D saw our point as he did not argue further)
I remember my mom used to tell me for like million times, she used to says “When you go out with a guy, find out his family health history and make sure they don’t have any illness like high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetic, blah blah blah…, if there is any don’t be with him anymore, else you’ll suffer for the rest of your life”
Sigh…..firstly, we don’t usually ask people about their family health history out of the blue, and secondly, when we fell for someone and we really care for the person, we wouldn’t just leave the person like returning faulty goods to the store. We are human, made from flesh & blood with feelings, emotions, senses and thoughts.
As the parents or siblings, I am sure everyone hopes and wants the best for their family members and it is our natural instinct to protect our loved ones. But, no matter how protective or worry the family might be, I think they should entirely leave it to the couple to decide for their own.
Some of you might say that it is easy for me to say that coz A has nothing to do with me. But, imagine if that happen to me or you? Will you be ok with the idea knowing that your family will try to separate you two even though you know they are doing it for your own good?
God give no rights to us to rob others for their happiness...
Basically, D has a friend called P. P has recently discovered that his daughter, A’s boyfriend, B, is having some heart problem. A & B are both 23 years old.
Now, what happened was P called D and ask for advise about how to separate A & B. P as a father who loves and cares for his daughter’s future so much does not want his daughter to get involve with someone who has what we call ‘critical illness’.
P thought of sending A off to Singapore so that she can’t be with B anymore. And D, as a good friend who was trying to think from P’s perspective comically suggested that after P sent A to Singapore, P should take away A’s hand phone so that she can no longer contact B and vice versa.
And the debate started:
Family Member 1: How can P does that? This is A & B’s life and they are 23 yrs old, should let them decide themselves. Shouldn’t encourage or give this kind of suggestion to P
D: But, this is like if you go and buy fruits, if it is not fresh or a bit spoil, you also won’t choose mah.
All family members: …..… (what kind of logic is that?!?!?! Everyone was stunned that they actually heard that from D. @@!)
Family Member 2: FYI, by taking away the hand phone will not help, these day there’s something call internet and email plus A can always buy back another phone. P shouldn’t do that lah….
D: But if you want to buy a dog and you notice that the dog something wrong sure you won’t choose the dog right?
All family members: (double stunned)
Family Member 1: Buying fruit and dog are totally different things. The fruit has no feeling and the dog has no feeling towards you (not until after you own it for a while). A & B have feeling for each other; they love each other so how can you separate them by force without thinking about their feelings?
Family Member 2: Furthermore, heart problem is treatable as long as you take proper care. You mustn’t get involve and encourage P to do that.
D: P just does not want his daughter to suffer later.
Family Member 3: We understand P’s intention but it’s his daughter’s life so let her decide herself.
Let say if last time when I dated my wife and we all know that she has some health problem, would you force me to leave her?
Family Member 2: Yap, like one of our family’s friend, she was diagnosed with cancer, went for surgery and chemotherapy and yet her then boyfriend still married her.
D: …………….. (I think D saw our point as he did not argue further)
I remember my mom used to tell me for like million times, she used to says “When you go out with a guy, find out his family health history and make sure they don’t have any illness like high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetic, blah blah blah…, if there is any don’t be with him anymore, else you’ll suffer for the rest of your life”
Sigh…..firstly, we don’t usually ask people about their family health history out of the blue, and secondly, when we fell for someone and we really care for the person, we wouldn’t just leave the person like returning faulty goods to the store. We are human, made from flesh & blood with feelings, emotions, senses and thoughts.
As the parents or siblings, I am sure everyone hopes and wants the best for their family members and it is our natural instinct to protect our loved ones. But, no matter how protective or worry the family might be, I think they should entirely leave it to the couple to decide for their own.
Some of you might say that it is easy for me to say that coz A has nothing to do with me. But, imagine if that happen to me or you? Will you be ok with the idea knowing that your family will try to separate you two even though you know they are doing it for your own good?
God give no rights to us to rob others for their happiness...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Road Trip is SO FUN
This is a week long overdue.
Went to Port Dickson last Wednesday night and stayed a night in PD at this AnCasa All Suites Resort. Due to the heavy rain, flash flood in KL & all the bad traffic jam everywhere on that day, by the time we reach PD it was already 11pm++.
We basically went to mamak for supper follow by a series of cards games and drinking of liquor back in the suite.
The next day (it was a public holiday) we headed to Melaka for the famous Chicken Rice Ball & Cendol. Slurpppss....
Here are some pics we snapped during the trip.

We brought all sort of liquors there......

And all sort of junk food...

These are the new Charlie's Angel... Joyce, Liz & Caroline (she has recently changed her Chinese name from Sook Fun to So Fun)

Group photo: Alan, Melvin & Keith. Joyce, Caroline & Liz

One more....
Hahaha... little camhore
Keith: "We are going to reach Melaka soon, honey!"

See if you can spot the resemblance of this pic with another pic in this post..hehehe
Jonker Walk - but in Chinese they call it 'Chicken Farm' and I wonder why...does anyone know?
All the Beca (trishaw) in Melaka
This is from an antique shop. Don't know who will buy this statue...
Jonker 88: This is where we had our Cendol

Yum Yum...... love the Gula Melaka
Hmmm..... I really enjoy the road trip with a few close friends.
So the Doinks' gang, when is our next trip?
Went to Port Dickson last Wednesday night and stayed a night in PD at this AnCasa All Suites Resort. Due to the heavy rain, flash flood in KL & all the bad traffic jam everywhere on that day, by the time we reach PD it was already 11pm++.
We basically went to mamak for supper follow by a series of cards games and drinking of liquor back in the suite.
The next day (it was a public holiday) we headed to Melaka for the famous Chicken Rice Ball & Cendol. Slurpppss....
Here are some pics we snapped during the trip.

We brought all sort of liquors there......

And all sort of junk food...

These are the new Charlie's Angel... Joyce, Liz & Caroline (she has recently changed her Chinese name from Sook Fun to So Fun)

Group photo: Alan, Melvin & Keith. Joyce, Caroline & Liz

One more....
Hahaha... little camhore
Keith: "We are going to reach Melaka soon, honey!"

See if you can spot the resemblance of this pic with another pic in this post..hehehe
Jonker Walk - but in Chinese they call it 'Chicken Farm' and I wonder why...does anyone know?
All the Beca (trishaw) in Melaka
This is from an antique shop. Don't know who will buy this statue...
Jonker 88: This is where we had our Cendol

Yum Yum...... love the Gula Melaka
Hmmm..... I really enjoy the road trip with a few close friends.
So the Doinks' gang, when is our next trip?
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I was supposed to blog about this last night but after I finished one post, someone merajuk and said: “When you are done as a blogger, can you please come here and be my wife?” Oh Well, how could I say no to that request. Hehehe…
Anyway, what I want to share here basically started from Monday night. When I checked my Friendster account on Monday, there was a new message in my inbox. Apparently, a guy sent me a message and wished to be friends. So, I added his MSN contact in my list.
The next morning (yesterday), he started chatting with me. He started off with asking about how long I’ve married and he told me about his too (he is married with 2 kids) & we chatted about some usual stuffs. Then he told me that he comes to M’sia very often and would like to meet up.
Then I told him that my hubby won’t let me meet up with strangers alone and I offer to intro my hubby to him if he really interested to be friends and all.
Then this guy started to say that he doesn’t dare to meet my hubby and then he started to like sweet talk as in saying that I have a very sweet looks and stuff like that.
Then I asked him a very casual question whether he ever meets anyone from the net/Friendster. He told me that he had a bad experience as he had an affair with a married lady the last time he came to Malaysia 5 years ago which lasted for 2 months. I asked him If he felt guilty for being unfaithful to his wife, his answer was positive but he also confessed that he enjoyed the affair.
So basically, long story short, I told him that I do not approve extra marital affair but I was not to judge him as it is his life. I told him I take my marriage very seriously that it is ok for me and my hubby to chat with the opposite sex and meet up for drinks once in a while as long as no hanky panky.
And then he asked: “Well it seems like we will not meet up after all, oh well...” So, I replied: “I would say yes, if you don’t mind my hubby to come along and I can intro to you if you really want to be friend.”
And then he just stopped replying me. So, you see, isn’t it obvious what his ultimate intention was. Jerk!!!
Ok, I know I’m a bit slow coz Keith said the moment I started to relate to him about this guy, he already knows what would it lead it. Hey, don’t blame me lah, coz I always believe some guys can really genuinely just want to be your friend even though they so happen to spotted you online.
Keith said ppl like that guy would prey on ppl like me, a married woman, coz if he wants to ends the affair, he can just walk off without worrying that the lady will go after him since the lady herself is also having an affair. How smart! But I’m not stupid, ok!
Wait a minute, come to think of it, it’s either I look damn sluttish or damn stupid! That’s why idiot like him would target me!
Actually that guy sent me his photo and I thought of posting his pic here you know. But then again, I do not want to shame his family by doing so. But, man, my heart goes out to his wife for having such husband.
You are such a JERK!!!
http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-catch-an-online-cheating-spouse . This is a link you can refer to if you suspect your spouse is cheating on you. But make sure you really read the tell tale signs right or you might risk to destroy your relationship/marriage for no reason.
Personally, I do not tolerate all this non sense. I've told Keith before, for me, it is very simple, if one day he ever falls for another girl, just have to let me know and I will walk out (even if I have kids). I'll not try to do anything to win him back, coz if he can falls for another girl it means that he no longer loves me, so what's the point of staying together? For the family sake? No, Thank You! I don't share my man sexually!
There are many reasons why some people got themselves into extra marital affairs. Some are just plain gatal that they like to screw around but some are due to certain reasons that pushed a person to commit adultery. Whatever it is, extra marital affair is unacceptable.
It's either you stay in or get out. You can't have the best of both world!
Anyway, what I want to share here basically started from Monday night. When I checked my Friendster account on Monday, there was a new message in my inbox. Apparently, a guy sent me a message and wished to be friends. So, I added his MSN contact in my list.
The next morning (yesterday), he started chatting with me. He started off with asking about how long I’ve married and he told me about his too (he is married with 2 kids) & we chatted about some usual stuffs. Then he told me that he comes to M’sia very often and would like to meet up.
Then I told him that my hubby won’t let me meet up with strangers alone and I offer to intro my hubby to him if he really interested to be friends and all.
Then this guy started to say that he doesn’t dare to meet my hubby and then he started to like sweet talk as in saying that I have a very sweet looks and stuff like that.
Then I asked him a very casual question whether he ever meets anyone from the net/Friendster. He told me that he had a bad experience as he had an affair with a married lady the last time he came to Malaysia 5 years ago which lasted for 2 months. I asked him If he felt guilty for being unfaithful to his wife, his answer was positive but he also confessed that he enjoyed the affair.
So basically, long story short, I told him that I do not approve extra marital affair but I was not to judge him as it is his life. I told him I take my marriage very seriously that it is ok for me and my hubby to chat with the opposite sex and meet up for drinks once in a while as long as no hanky panky.
And then he asked: “Well it seems like we will not meet up after all, oh well...” So, I replied: “I would say yes, if you don’t mind my hubby to come along and I can intro to you if you really want to be friend.”
And then he just stopped replying me. So, you see, isn’t it obvious what his ultimate intention was. Jerk!!!
Ok, I know I’m a bit slow coz Keith said the moment I started to relate to him about this guy, he already knows what would it lead it. Hey, don’t blame me lah, coz I always believe some guys can really genuinely just want to be your friend even though they so happen to spotted you online.
Keith said ppl like that guy would prey on ppl like me, a married woman, coz if he wants to ends the affair, he can just walk off without worrying that the lady will go after him since the lady herself is also having an affair. How smart! But I’m not stupid, ok!
Wait a minute, come to think of it, it’s either I look damn sluttish or damn stupid! That’s why idiot like him would target me!
Actually that guy sent me his photo and I thought of posting his pic here you know. But then again, I do not want to shame his family by doing so. But, man, my heart goes out to his wife for having such husband.
You are such a JERK!!!
http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-catch-an-online-cheating-spouse . This is a link you can refer to if you suspect your spouse is cheating on you. But make sure you really read the tell tale signs right or you might risk to destroy your relationship/marriage for no reason.
Personally, I do not tolerate all this non sense. I've told Keith before, for me, it is very simple, if one day he ever falls for another girl, just have to let me know and I will walk out (even if I have kids). I'll not try to do anything to win him back, coz if he can falls for another girl it means that he no longer loves me, so what's the point of staying together? For the family sake? No, Thank You! I don't share my man sexually!
There are many reasons why some people got themselves into extra marital affairs. Some are just plain gatal that they like to screw around but some are due to certain reasons that pushed a person to commit adultery. Whatever it is, extra marital affair is unacceptable.
It's either you stay in or get out. You can't have the best of both world!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Ladies, where are your manners?
I noticed most ladies' drivers are simply outrageously ill manner on the road. Well, I often think its sort of reflects the actual personality of a person from their driving manner.
You see, when I drive, generally if I see there are car(s) turning out from a junction, I often slowed down and let the car(s) passed, unless it is too dangerous for me to stop, like the car behind me is following too close. So far, my experience is good with male’ drivers as they always showed their gestures of gratitude. But, for most ladies' driver, not only they don't thank you; their facial expressions are like as though you owed it to them. I find that totally unacceptable! What is wrong with being more courteous when people make ways for you? Does it cost you anything to be polite to others?
I'm not saying all other ladies have ill-manners coz I'd encountered some polite ones. Basically the ratio is like 1 out of 20 ladies is polite enough to show their gratitude.
As for me, when people make ways for me, I usually wave my hand or flash my light and I am happy to see them smile back at me.
I have many times vowed that I would not give way to any ladies’ drivers after so many bad experience, but the thing is I’m too soft hearted and always believe that there are still many well-mannered people out there so I keep giving chance again and again…but I’d been let down repeatedly by these people.
Huh! Must harden my heart! Next time see ladies’ drivers again, don’t want to give way! :P
You see, when I drive, generally if I see there are car(s) turning out from a junction, I often slowed down and let the car(s) passed, unless it is too dangerous for me to stop, like the car behind me is following too close. So far, my experience is good with male’ drivers as they always showed their gestures of gratitude. But, for most ladies' driver, not only they don't thank you; their facial expressions are like as though you owed it to them. I find that totally unacceptable! What is wrong with being more courteous when people make ways for you? Does it cost you anything to be polite to others?
I'm not saying all other ladies have ill-manners coz I'd encountered some polite ones. Basically the ratio is like 1 out of 20 ladies is polite enough to show their gratitude.
As for me, when people make ways for me, I usually wave my hand or flash my light and I am happy to see them smile back at me.
I have many times vowed that I would not give way to any ladies’ drivers after so many bad experience, but the thing is I’m too soft hearted and always believe that there are still many well-mannered people out there so I keep giving chance again and again…but I’d been let down repeatedly by these people.
Huh! Must harden my heart! Next time see ladies’ drivers again, don’t want to give way! :P
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Funny Exams's Answers
Occasionally, I do receive some funny e-mails with jokes from friends. But what made me laughed the hardest were those stupid & funny answers given by students during their exams.
Some are plain stupid answer where the students simply have no answer and simply wrote something, but some are real genius with great creativity & imagination! Hats off to those bunch!
Hence, I've decided to compiled them so that you guys could enjoy it as well.

Some are plain stupid answer where the students simply have no answer and simply wrote something, but some are real genius with great creativity & imagination! Hats off to those bunch!
Hence, I've decided to compiled them so that you guys could enjoy it as well.

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Just Me....
I kind of wrote something somewhat similar to my today’s post last year but due to my own stupidity the entire content which I’ve worked on for almost a week was wiped out.
Anyway, a conversation with my colleague, C, over lunch & after the comments I heard from my manager for my performance review impelled me to write about this again. It was small talks here and there about my youngest sis, S, the upbringing of my siblings & I, my childhood, my notion of not to have children as well as the feedbacks about me from some colleagues.
People always perceive me as a very soft, pampered, dependant & confident person. I must say looks can be really deceiving. No doubt I am a soft spoken, soft hearted, emotional, and sensitive being but beneath all that, lives an independent, strong will, rational, humble & a little low self esteem me.
I was born a very timid yet cheerful girl who preferred to sing rather than talk. I was very quiet and more like a loner most of the time during my early days. As both my parents were working, thus I was taken care by different nannies during my early childhood until I was placed at my grannies when I was 5. My happiest childhood moment was during the 2 years (when I was age 5 & 6) when my younger cousin who is 1 year my junior was with me.
I used to walk to school everyday hence my skin was really dark due to the sun burn. Besides, my nose was much flatter then; so I was being dubbed the ‘ugly duckling’. People used to compared & commented about my appearance and I was shameful about the way I look and I blamed my mom for it. I really hated that when people started to compare my look with my cousins, friends & my sister right in front of me. Well, I know I am ugly, point taken, furthermore, I didn’t ever said nor thought that I was pretty so I wonder why those people were so mean, why must they said those mean things right to my face?!?!
I have an aunt whom I used to stayed with in my grannies's place and she liked to command me to do all the housework while she herself hardly lifted a finger. As she is the youngest child, thus my grannies really pampered her. Despite of me being the one who did most of the housework, I was often compared with other people and I was called ‘lazy’.
I used to being left alone by my grannies & my aunt during my primary school years. The longest record was 1 month when my grannies went to China & my aunt went to Singapore for holiday. They stocked up the freezer with all the beef burger patties for me and I just lived on that for breakfast, lunch & dinner for 1 month. Even teenagers these days would not be left alone for 1 week by the parents let alone I was only in my primary years at that time.
Because of what I’ve been through in my early days, I had no confidence, ashamed of my appearance, hardly mixed around and lived like someone else’s shadow. In short, if not for my gift in singing, I would have lived through my lives unnoticed. It was my singing that gained me the attention. I used to be a clever little sweet talker to my teachers during my primary one & two days but, as I grow up and confronted with more unpleasant things in life, I became very reserved & only had very small circle of friends.
As the eldest child in the family and because I was always being the last option for everyone, be it family, relatives or friends, thus even at a very young age. I knew that I was pretty much on my own and I could not depend on anyone else except myself coz I was not loved as much as compared to my sisters, cousins or friends. Hence, I was very independent ever since I was like 8 years old.
I started to open up myself to more people when I started my college days as I find that when I was trapped in the classroom with some classmates without having any conversation, it seemed & felt very weird & awkward. I was very reserved & shy but at the same time I was (am) also a very friendly person, that’s when I decided to changed myself, to open up and to be more outspoken. I learned to take initiative to talk to strangers when I attend seminars or courses. From there, I slowly built up my self esteem when I face strangers.
No one would expect me to have such childhood as I’m always looking cheerful and I seems like a much pampered person (at least to some of my colleagues). Well, that’s because I chose to be happy. I know and I understand that no matter how unhappy a childhood I had, it is nothing compare to those kids living in the third world countries. At least I do have some people who really loved me and appreciated me as who I am, I had enough food to eat everyday, a roof to stayed, ample clothes to keep me warm, adequate education supported by my parents enough to landed me some decent & prospective jobs.
I always believe what goes around comes around, if we want people to respect us, we have to respect others and we have to earn the respect. If we want people to be kind to us, we first, must be kind to others. We don’t always face nice people, there are many inconsiderate people in this world who only cares about themselves, but I strongly believe that if people are unkind to us, we need not go down to their level and do the same, coz I always believe they will be judge by God at the end of the day.
I am quite a typical Virgo whom is very critical and picky, and I’m only human. Every now & then I do like to criticize people on certain things, however, I do know about my shortcomings and I never criticize people if I am not doing it right myself, ok, not that it justify me to criticize others if I do, but to me, if one does not lead by example, he/she has totally no position to criticize others while they are doing the same. It simply doesn’t make sense, coz they only end up cursing themselves as well, agree?
I was kind of upset earlier when I heard about what my manager told me regarding some feedbacks from some colleagues. They commented that they were not happy and find me in no position to question them on certain things. My manager said that it could be the way I talked that made people felt that I was showing off my authority as an administrator. I was kind of upset at that time, thus I didn’t responded much (coz my brain just wasn’t working).
But now I’ve calm down and no longer upset, I want to clarify something here, my gosh, everyone who knows me can tell that I am never a bossy person, and I am the last person who knows how to make use of my authority (that’s why my ex- assistants also climbed over my head). I always talk to people the humble & polite way and I always like to use those buddy approach when I talk to people to lighten up the atmosphere. And the most important thing is, I am just there to do my job under the instructions of my superior. However, some people took it personally and got offended. Oh well, I know sometimes no matter how hard we try, we can never please everyone, so as long as I know I've done my best and it is for everyone's good, I have no regrets at all.
That was just a small unhappy part but I was also told that I had received many praises from my fellow colleagues as they recognized how hard I struggled and worked through my ways to get things done and my effort are being appreciated. Hmmm….at least my hard work did not go in vain. As long as I know my efforts are being appreciated, that would be good enough for me.
I’m not a person who likes to study, so academic wise there is really nothing to shout about. I am not a person who crave for corporate power thus I am pretty much happy with where I am and where I’m heading to (actually not very sure where am I heading to at this point), although, with my upbringing, my education background and all the experience I’ve been through in the past, I am very proud of what I have achieved so far as an individual.
There are still many things for me to to learn in life and I will continue to better myself as a wife, a friend, a daughter/in law, a sister, an aunt, an employee, and whatever roles I’m playing in this life.
As long as I’ve done my best, and hurt no one, I have no regrets!
Anyway, a conversation with my colleague, C, over lunch & after the comments I heard from my manager for my performance review impelled me to write about this again. It was small talks here and there about my youngest sis, S, the upbringing of my siblings & I, my childhood, my notion of not to have children as well as the feedbacks about me from some colleagues.
People always perceive me as a very soft, pampered, dependant & confident person. I must say looks can be really deceiving. No doubt I am a soft spoken, soft hearted, emotional, and sensitive being but beneath all that, lives an independent, strong will, rational, humble & a little low self esteem me.
I was born a very timid yet cheerful girl who preferred to sing rather than talk. I was very quiet and more like a loner most of the time during my early days. As both my parents were working, thus I was taken care by different nannies during my early childhood until I was placed at my grannies when I was 5. My happiest childhood moment was during the 2 years (when I was age 5 & 6) when my younger cousin who is 1 year my junior was with me.
I used to walk to school everyday hence my skin was really dark due to the sun burn. Besides, my nose was much flatter then; so I was being dubbed the ‘ugly duckling’. People used to compared & commented about my appearance and I was shameful about the way I look and I blamed my mom for it. I really hated that when people started to compare my look with my cousins, friends & my sister right in front of me. Well, I know I am ugly, point taken, furthermore, I didn’t ever said nor thought that I was pretty so I wonder why those people were so mean, why must they said those mean things right to my face?!?!
I have an aunt whom I used to stayed with in my grannies's place and she liked to command me to do all the housework while she herself hardly lifted a finger. As she is the youngest child, thus my grannies really pampered her. Despite of me being the one who did most of the housework, I was often compared with other people and I was called ‘lazy’.
I used to being left alone by my grannies & my aunt during my primary school years. The longest record was 1 month when my grannies went to China & my aunt went to Singapore for holiday. They stocked up the freezer with all the beef burger patties for me and I just lived on that for breakfast, lunch & dinner for 1 month. Even teenagers these days would not be left alone for 1 week by the parents let alone I was only in my primary years at that time.
Because of what I’ve been through in my early days, I had no confidence, ashamed of my appearance, hardly mixed around and lived like someone else’s shadow. In short, if not for my gift in singing, I would have lived through my lives unnoticed. It was my singing that gained me the attention. I used to be a clever little sweet talker to my teachers during my primary one & two days but, as I grow up and confronted with more unpleasant things in life, I became very reserved & only had very small circle of friends.
As the eldest child in the family and because I was always being the last option for everyone, be it family, relatives or friends, thus even at a very young age. I knew that I was pretty much on my own and I could not depend on anyone else except myself coz I was not loved as much as compared to my sisters, cousins or friends. Hence, I was very independent ever since I was like 8 years old.
I started to open up myself to more people when I started my college days as I find that when I was trapped in the classroom with some classmates without having any conversation, it seemed & felt very weird & awkward. I was very reserved & shy but at the same time I was (am) also a very friendly person, that’s when I decided to changed myself, to open up and to be more outspoken. I learned to take initiative to talk to strangers when I attend seminars or courses. From there, I slowly built up my self esteem when I face strangers.
No one would expect me to have such childhood as I’m always looking cheerful and I seems like a much pampered person (at least to some of my colleagues). Well, that’s because I chose to be happy. I know and I understand that no matter how unhappy a childhood I had, it is nothing compare to those kids living in the third world countries. At least I do have some people who really loved me and appreciated me as who I am, I had enough food to eat everyday, a roof to stayed, ample clothes to keep me warm, adequate education supported by my parents enough to landed me some decent & prospective jobs.
I always believe what goes around comes around, if we want people to respect us, we have to respect others and we have to earn the respect. If we want people to be kind to us, we first, must be kind to others. We don’t always face nice people, there are many inconsiderate people in this world who only cares about themselves, but I strongly believe that if people are unkind to us, we need not go down to their level and do the same, coz I always believe they will be judge by God at the end of the day.
I am quite a typical Virgo whom is very critical and picky, and I’m only human. Every now & then I do like to criticize people on certain things, however, I do know about my shortcomings and I never criticize people if I am not doing it right myself, ok, not that it justify me to criticize others if I do, but to me, if one does not lead by example, he/she has totally no position to criticize others while they are doing the same. It simply doesn’t make sense, coz they only end up cursing themselves as well, agree?
I was kind of upset earlier when I heard about what my manager told me regarding some feedbacks from some colleagues. They commented that they were not happy and find me in no position to question them on certain things. My manager said that it could be the way I talked that made people felt that I was showing off my authority as an administrator. I was kind of upset at that time, thus I didn’t responded much (coz my brain just wasn’t working).
But now I’ve calm down and no longer upset, I want to clarify something here, my gosh, everyone who knows me can tell that I am never a bossy person, and I am the last person who knows how to make use of my authority (that’s why my ex- assistants also climbed over my head). I always talk to people the humble & polite way and I always like to use those buddy approach when I talk to people to lighten up the atmosphere. And the most important thing is, I am just there to do my job under the instructions of my superior. However, some people took it personally and got offended. Oh well, I know sometimes no matter how hard we try, we can never please everyone, so as long as I know I've done my best and it is for everyone's good, I have no regrets at all.
That was just a small unhappy part but I was also told that I had received many praises from my fellow colleagues as they recognized how hard I struggled and worked through my ways to get things done and my effort are being appreciated. Hmmm….at least my hard work did not go in vain. As long as I know my efforts are being appreciated, that would be good enough for me.
I’m not a person who likes to study, so academic wise there is really nothing to shout about. I am not a person who crave for corporate power thus I am pretty much happy with where I am and where I’m heading to (actually not very sure where am I heading to at this point), although, with my upbringing, my education background and all the experience I’ve been through in the past, I am very proud of what I have achieved so far as an individual.
There are still many things for me to to learn in life and I will continue to better myself as a wife, a friend, a daughter/in law, a sister, an aunt, an employee, and whatever roles I’m playing in this life.
As long as I’ve done my best, and hurt no one, I have no regrets!
Monday, January 07, 2008
the fear of death
I used to think that I do not fear death...... all I thought was that I merely don't want to die young as there are many things in life I've have not done, many places I've not visited, many books I have not read, many wonderful things I have not try out, I want to spend as much time as possible with my beloved, and etc.
I thought as long as I get to live life to its full and experience all the wonderful things, there is nothing to be afraid of, even death. I was so wrong. I've no doubt overrate my courage to confront death. A trip to Muar & Melaka over the weekend had certainly changed all that.
Surely I have seen graveyards in KL & PJ areas whenever I travel around. However, in Muar & Melaka, the graveyards are like everywhere and it’s so near to the road. When we passed by the Muslim’s graveyard, the tomb stones were so close to each other (like few inches away from each other). As far as I know, each tomb stone is meant for one corpse and by the look of the position of all the tomb stones, it seems like the bodies are being buried almost the same spot.
I started to ponder and asked Keith, "How on earth they buried the bodies? You can see each tomb stone is so close to each other."
"Well, probably just right next to each other very closely", Keith replied, "Or rather on top of each other?!" I blurted out. That's when the thought strikes me, and all the ugly and scary visuals of corpses being dumped in to the hole and stacked on top of each other started playing in my head.
The fear gushed through me and I started to imagine my own lifeless body being dumped in the hole or being cremated. How poignant is that when we are alive, every part of our body is so precious and we take good care of it, but when we are dead, our body become some sort of rotten waste that meant to be tossed away.
My fear do not come from the death itself coz when I'm dead, there will be nothing left except my spirit, but what frighten me the most is that how my body will be dispose of and the visuals seems so excruciating to me. Ya ya, I know after I'm dead I won't feel the pain or anything but I just can't accept the fact that my body will be burn or bury away like the rubbish that we discard everyday.
Sigh....I know this is depressing stuff but I just can't help thinking about it. Sorry if you feel sick or start to feel fear after reading this post.
I've no doubt I'll be able to age gracefully but to face death, now that is another story.
I suddenly become very Kia-Si now (means afraid to die in Hokkien). But sadly, no one can be immortal.
I thought as long as I get to live life to its full and experience all the wonderful things, there is nothing to be afraid of, even death. I was so wrong. I've no doubt overrate my courage to confront death. A trip to Muar & Melaka over the weekend had certainly changed all that.
Surely I have seen graveyards in KL & PJ areas whenever I travel around. However, in Muar & Melaka, the graveyards are like everywhere and it’s so near to the road. When we passed by the Muslim’s graveyard, the tomb stones were so close to each other (like few inches away from each other). As far as I know, each tomb stone is meant for one corpse and by the look of the position of all the tomb stones, it seems like the bodies are being buried almost the same spot.
I started to ponder and asked Keith, "How on earth they buried the bodies? You can see each tomb stone is so close to each other."
"Well, probably just right next to each other very closely", Keith replied, "Or rather on top of each other?!" I blurted out. That's when the thought strikes me, and all the ugly and scary visuals of corpses being dumped in to the hole and stacked on top of each other started playing in my head.
The fear gushed through me and I started to imagine my own lifeless body being dumped in the hole or being cremated. How poignant is that when we are alive, every part of our body is so precious and we take good care of it, but when we are dead, our body become some sort of rotten waste that meant to be tossed away.
My fear do not come from the death itself coz when I'm dead, there will be nothing left except my spirit, but what frighten me the most is that how my body will be dispose of and the visuals seems so excruciating to me. Ya ya, I know after I'm dead I won't feel the pain or anything but I just can't accept the fact that my body will be burn or bury away like the rubbish that we discard everyday.
Sigh....I know this is depressing stuff but I just can't help thinking about it. Sorry if you feel sick or start to feel fear after reading this post.
I've no doubt I'll be able to age gracefully but to face death, now that is another story.
I suddenly become very Kia-Si now (means afraid to die in Hokkien). But sadly, no one can be immortal.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Lucky Girl
My colleague, C is such a lucky girl.
The person she banged the other day is a new converted Christian and a headmaster of one of the primary school in PJ.
He sms C and told her that she only needs to bear RM600 for the repair and he would pick up the balance. I think his actual repair cost is probably RM2K.
My car damage seems to be more serious and because there is no 2nd hand or recon parts for Kelisa, thus I have to change whatever needed to be change with all original parts.
Though I can't afford to tell C that I will bear part of the cost (sorry, my dear) but I am really happy for her that now she only needs to pay less than what she has estimated.
The person she banged the other day is a new converted Christian and a headmaster of one of the primary school in PJ.
He sms C and told her that she only needs to bear RM600 for the repair and he would pick up the balance. I think his actual repair cost is probably RM2K.
My car damage seems to be more serious and because there is no 2nd hand or recon parts for Kelisa, thus I have to change whatever needed to be change with all original parts.
Though I can't afford to tell C that I will bear part of the cost (sorry, my dear) but I am really happy for her that now she only needs to pay less than what she has estimated.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
What a way to start off my new year!!!
Today is my first day back to work after being away from office for like more than 2 weeks (though I did went back twice for short while to had something done).
I decided not to go out for lunch today and had my instant cup noodle in office instead. My colleague, C, borrowed my car to go for lunch as her car was parked far away from our office.
After an hour or so, I received a phone call from her and she started apologizing when I picked up the phone and she sounded like she was in tears. Oh No! Oh Gosh! I can smell something’s wrong……. And true enough…… she confessed that she has banged into someone’s car.
Another colleague of mine fetch me to meet up with C, where the accident was. When I reached there, the other guy was gone. He told C that he would inform C the cost of repair once he has the mechanic estimates it.
I really didn’t know how to react or what to say as I was kind of upset. I was basically upset because my car is damaged, but at the same time I feel really sorry for C. She did not do that on purpose, it was an accident, and I know she feels really upset coz it was someone else car. I was kind of expressionless when I saw my car and I did not shown any emotion at all.
I was and I am still upset, but I do not wish to rub salt to the wound. No matter what, it was an accident and the damage is already done so no point pointing finger and keep blaming the person. All I wish now is the cost of repair for my car and the other man’s car won’t be too high otherwise it will be quite a financial burden for C. Sympathetic yes, however I can’t tell her no needs to pay or I’ll share half the cost also mah….
If you have a car accident with a total stranger, it is always very easy to handle coz you don’t know each other, you have no relations and certainly has no feelings or whatsoever, but when your friend borrowed your car and involved in an accident or the other way round, surely both parties would feel terrible.
Hmm…. Actually my little Kelisa has been with me for 5 years and so far it has met with 2 accidents. First one, I was knocked from the rear 1 week before my wedding in year 2004. And now, my car banged into someone else’s car, only that I wasn’t the driver. Poor baby! (That’s what my father in-law called my Kelisa after he heard the story).
I roughly know how much my repair will cost thus I really hope that the other man’s car damage is not so serious; otherwise I really don’t know how C is going to pay for it.
Sigh… I would like to help but then it doesn’t make sense. If I was the driver things would not be this complicated…..

I decided not to go out for lunch today and had my instant cup noodle in office instead. My colleague, C, borrowed my car to go for lunch as her car was parked far away from our office.
After an hour or so, I received a phone call from her and she started apologizing when I picked up the phone and she sounded like she was in tears. Oh No! Oh Gosh! I can smell something’s wrong……. And true enough…… she confessed that she has banged into someone’s car.
Another colleague of mine fetch me to meet up with C, where the accident was. When I reached there, the other guy was gone. He told C that he would inform C the cost of repair once he has the mechanic estimates it.
I really didn’t know how to react or what to say as I was kind of upset. I was basically upset because my car is damaged, but at the same time I feel really sorry for C. She did not do that on purpose, it was an accident, and I know she feels really upset coz it was someone else car. I was kind of expressionless when I saw my car and I did not shown any emotion at all.
I was and I am still upset, but I do not wish to rub salt to the wound. No matter what, it was an accident and the damage is already done so no point pointing finger and keep blaming the person. All I wish now is the cost of repair for my car and the other man’s car won’t be too high otherwise it will be quite a financial burden for C. Sympathetic yes, however I can’t tell her no needs to pay or I’ll share half the cost also mah….
If you have a car accident with a total stranger, it is always very easy to handle coz you don’t know each other, you have no relations and certainly has no feelings or whatsoever, but when your friend borrowed your car and involved in an accident or the other way round, surely both parties would feel terrible.
Hmm…. Actually my little Kelisa has been with me for 5 years and so far it has met with 2 accidents. First one, I was knocked from the rear 1 week before my wedding in year 2004. And now, my car banged into someone else’s car, only that I wasn’t the driver. Poor baby! (That’s what my father in-law called my Kelisa after he heard the story).
I roughly know how much my repair will cost thus I really hope that the other man’s car damage is not so serious; otherwise I really don’t know how C is going to pay for it.
Sigh… I would like to help but then it doesn’t make sense. If I was the driver things would not be this complicated…..

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
The New Beginning
I ended up at bambo9 in Plaza TTDI last night for the count down instead of Velvet. :)
Today is the first day of 2008, so new year, new beginning....
Hmmm... come to think of it, I had not think about my 2008 resolution at all.
I used to have some resolutions every year but year after year I've come to realise that, one need not really put down everything in Black & White about what you want to achieve and so forth in that particular year. No doubt it is good to set some goals but resolution is resolution, so even if I don't get to fulfill all of it in that year, it is totally alright.
Sometimes it's all about being at the right place and right time. I had many things I've wanted to do in my 20's but somehow I only had it done (not all but most of it) after I've turned 30.
Certain things are critical but some are not, so as long as I still get to achieve what I want to do, whether sooner or later, the level of satisfaction is still the same. However, if you get to fulfill your goals earlier the better, coz you'll get to enjoy the outcome earlier & longer. :)
There are certain things Keith & I wish to try our best to achieve, some are long pending, some are new. Whatever it is, we would try our best to achieve as much as we could and at the same time try to take it easy coz no point stressing ourselves too much.
We will be back to work tomorrow after our long break and as the first day of work in year 2008, I hope everything will starts off well.
And I wish the same to all. :)

Today is the first day of 2008, so new year, new beginning....
Hmmm... come to think of it, I had not think about my 2008 resolution at all.
I used to have some resolutions every year but year after year I've come to realise that, one need not really put down everything in Black & White about what you want to achieve and so forth in that particular year. No doubt it is good to set some goals but resolution is resolution, so even if I don't get to fulfill all of it in that year, it is totally alright.
Sometimes it's all about being at the right place and right time. I had many things I've wanted to do in my 20's but somehow I only had it done (not all but most of it) after I've turned 30.
Certain things are critical but some are not, so as long as I still get to achieve what I want to do, whether sooner or later, the level of satisfaction is still the same. However, if you get to fulfill your goals earlier the better, coz you'll get to enjoy the outcome earlier & longer. :)
There are certain things Keith & I wish to try our best to achieve, some are long pending, some are new. Whatever it is, we would try our best to achieve as much as we could and at the same time try to take it easy coz no point stressing ourselves too much.
We will be back to work tomorrow after our long break and as the first day of work in year 2008, I hope everything will starts off well.
And I wish the same to all. :)

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