Monday, May 06, 2013

We Are Malaysians. We Are One.

I am more disappointed with those who are still arguing and making racism remarks than the loss battle of GE13.

I really don’t like to keep using word like Malay, Chinese, India, etc. as we are all Malaysians. Period. But in order to state my point clearly I would have to do so. Thus, please pardon me.

It saddens me to see some of the fellow Malays’ brother and sisters fighting among themselves due to different opinions. And NO, despite some of them always like to say, “the Cina are very happy seeing us Malays fighting with each other”, we take no pleasure in that. 

Do you think all the Chinese in Malaysia don’t fight among ourselves? You think we see eye to eye in everything? Same goes to the Indian, Kadazan, Iban and other races in this land. We all have our differences but we learnt to put away our differences and we unite and fight together because we have the same goal, Ubah (Change). Not because we are Malay, Chinese, India, etc., it’s because we are Malaysians. Why do you think the majority of Chinese voted against MCA and chose representatives from PKR of Malay ethnic instead?

Bersih and PRU’s Ubah Manifesto are not a battle among races. It is a battle of the Rakyat against the corrupted government ruled by BN.

There are many fellow Malays still fearful that Chinese would take over Malaysia if Pakatan Rakyat becomes the new government. Come on my friends, please be realistic. Malays are the majority in Malaysia and if without any blessing from the Malay community, you really think Chinese can take over Malaysia?! I can tell you, Not A Chance. Look at other country when the Leader is not favourable by the majority, it only lead to one thing, CHAOS. And none of us want that.

Stop asking those of Chinese ethnic to balik China, Indian ethic to balik India nor Malay ethnic to balik Indonesia. We will not be received and treated as their own. To them we would just be immigrants. We are Malaysian. All our nenek moyang came to this land many many years ago and we all belong here, Malaysia. This is our land, this is our Home.

There are good and bad people in all races and religions. Neither one race nor religion is better than the other. Judge not a person base on their race nor religion, but the individual’s value. 

I have lived among Malay communities since the age of 12 ever since my parents moved to Shah Alam. We have live in harmony all these years and we always look out and help each other whenever necessary. In the past 10 years, many Chinese have moved out from Shah Alam but not my family. Since my dad passed away in Dec 2011, while sometimes my sisters or myself not able to take leave to assist my mom on something, my mom would have no problem seeking any help from the neighbors. All are very helpful and in fact they would go the extra mile when needed without my mom asking. 

Because of my childhood experience, I am never racist. We need each other equally in different aspects. Without each other support among all Malaysian it would be hard for us to move forward as a nation.

Many have to understand that we who voted against BN, are not against BN, we are just against the corrupted individuals. If BN is willing and sincerely repent and to set things right again, we would love to have them continue to govern Malaysia in many years to come, after all, they have the experience and despite of all the corruptions, they have also contributed a lot and we have much to be thankful for.

So let’s put away our differences and together we fight for a better Malaysia and a better government. 

One Love and Peace.

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