Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Venting my frustrations the way I know how......

I just have to get this off my chest. I know those guilty ones would get all upset and defensive. But I don't really care since you don't play your part right.

1. Money does not gives one the excuse to shy away from other duties. Even if you do contribute more financially on certain things (and sometimes you don't), don't order people around like your slaves.

2. Being the majority contributor financially for your child does not make you a good parent. You are merely an egg/sperm donor and ATM machine, if you don't share the other responsibility of your child upbringing.

3. Don't try to brag about those little things you do once in a blue moon when other people are doing it quietly, diligently everyday out of love.

4. Being a senior does not mean you are right in everything and expect the junior to follow your way of doing things.

Money or rank does not make you more superior than others. Of course I know it is none of my business whatever happen between the people involved as I understand most of the time some people are willing to accommodate and compromise due to money or some other reasons. It's their own arrangement.

But I absolutely cannot tolerate when the same things being applies to the other people who are outside the 'arrangement'. Why must others bear with that? And yes, I do know the answer. It's to maintain the peace, of course.

So after venting out my frustration here, guess I just have to suck it up and continue to endure it just like the rest.


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