Saturday, January 31, 2009

Shallow Hal

Just saw a rerun of Shallow Hal in Astro this afternoon. It is one of my favourite movies simply because, it reminds me of how shallow we can be most of the time with the perspective we have about true beauty.

We are being influence by all the worldly standard set by a few individuals simply to sell their products & services and let them decide for us what is and what’s not beautiful.

True beauty is not measure merely by the appearance. I don’t deny that I am always being attracted to (outer) beautiful people & things, which is only natural, but what I’m trying to say is sometimes, if we really put aside the conventional way and really get to know a person from within, we might discover that kind of beauty is even more mesmerizing than Aishwarya Rai or Jessica Alba.

Everyone is beautiful in their own unique way. Even if one do not have the typical big eyes, sharp nose, sharp chin & trim figure, we each have our beautiful side. No, I’m serious. I’ve once saw a girl sitting at a bus stop while I was in a bus many years ago. By the first glance, she was what we would call ‘ugly’ coz she has small eyes, flat nose, big face with a thick glasses, but somehow for a split second before the bus I was in moving away, she suddenly tilted her face in an angle and she look so sweet for that instance and suddenly I saw a beautiful girl in front of me and it really touched my heart.

There was nothing significant or extraordinary about that incident but what I realized was if I did not gave her a 2nd look, I would never discovered the beautiful side of that girl. What I’m really trying to say is if only we could put away our shallow view and to give a 2nd look on people and things sometimes, we might be able to discover something great out of it. Something that we wouldn’t get to see coz we are so blinded by all the things we were made to believe.

Because I always believe true beauty is the reflection of who we really are deep down. If you have a beautiful soul, good attitude and kind heart, you will look beautiful no matter what. In the contrary, if for example Jessica Alba is a nasty person and do not care about others, sooner or later people will find her ugly and she is nothing but just a pretty face. But thank God she is a true beauty inside out. I really like her. J

Somebody once told me if a person is kind, he/she is beautiful and I totally agree with that person.

I am still learning. I’m learning to accept things & people the way they are and not judge people by their looks coz pretty face does not necessary equal to kind heart. In fact, some pretty girls are manipulative and unkind as they know they could use their looks to get what they want. To me, that is ugly.

So let us all open our eyes & hearts to view the people around us differently and you might be surprise what good things you have been missing out all these while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad u realised this baby dear! ;)