Sunday, April 12, 2009

Exppressing 'Love'

It seems to me a very funny and intoxicated situation seeing hundreds or thousands of people screaming & chasing after their idols for autographs then loudly & shameless declare their so call 'love' to their idols.

People tend to listen to what their idols told them to do and try to do whatever they could just to get a glimpse, a handshake, an autograph or more of their idols. I remember during my teenage years, my mom used to tell me that the youngster these days always like to go against their parents' wills but take heed of what their idols tell them to do.

How many of us would actually tell our parents, our siblings, relatives or friends that we love them? Some do but most of the people don't. Why? Oh well, it's because we are shy and feel really awkward expressing our love to our loved ones, those who care for us and we cared for. It's just too embarrassing to say, "Daddy, I love you" or to your sister, "Katy, I love you". But somehow, we can shout loudly and shamelessly to someone who don't know us and who obviously don't care about us coz we are no one to them. I wonder where are all the shyness & awkwardness gone to???

It is not wrong to have idol(s). My point is, if only we can at least express and show our love more often to those who are really dear to us and listen to the advice of those who care for us. After all, your idol is not going to be the one to care for you when you are ill, and certainly your idol will not be the one who listen to your problem when you need a pair of ears or lend his/her shoulder to you when you need a shoulder to cry on (unless your idol is so happen your personal friend).

It's not necessary to say "I love you' loudly to anyone as different people have different way of showing their love. Anyway, whether you are showing your love by saying it out loud, giving a hug, doing little caring things or etc, just do anything that express your love to the special ones in your life to let them know that you love them and care for them.

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