Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why You No Like Me?!

Have you ever wonder why some people don't like you?!

Let's say you are the type that don't gossip about people, you always mind your own business and do your best not to comment much on anyone nor anything to minimize the chance of offending someone or something (What?!). And you are certain you don't do anything that might hurt or shortchange others for your own gain. And yet, not everyone likes you.

And then you keep wondering why is someone you know, who always seem to have much to comment/condemn about other people, the one always with the latest gossips practically about everyone you may or may not know. That someone, seems to be much more well receive by others than yourself.

Even if your are a very nice person, doesn't mean everyone would like you (sorry, I'm not implying I am a very nice person, though I like to believe I am, but I do have my own shortfalls and I know what they are). Likewise, even if you are a horrible/annoying person in certain aspects, not everybody would dislike you.

Everyone of us has our own personalities and we have our like and dislike. Sometimes even 'A' has never do anything bad towards you, but just because of the way he/she laugh, somehow the sound just tick you off for no reason. Or whatever the person says seems to spark off your temper and you just can't help yourself giving sarcastic comments right after his/her every statement.

I do wonder if I am being too sensitive and have got the whole idea wrong. The thing is, people might not dislike you, but because people might find someone who does not have much to share or talk about, BORING! So they rather talk to people who always have lots of stories to tell as a form of entertainment. :D

Nevertheless, I believe you have the intuition to tell whether someone likes you or not because most people are not good in concealing their feelings. If they don't like you, it's actually pretty easy to tell. I think it is pretty normal that when you don't really like a person, you would do your best to minimize any unnecessary contact and only talk to that person if really have to. All of us can be on either side or both sides.

Bottom line is, we may not really like all the people we know and vice versa. I guess that is OK provided you don't go and start talking bad about people just because you don't like how that person dress or other minute/silly reason. 

What I'm trying to say is, it is fine if you don't like me and you don't want to hang out with me. I respect and accept that. All I ask for is please do not ever imply something negative about me to others that make other to be prejudice against me. Because I can really swear that I have never done this to anyone in my entire life.

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