Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Living Life... Meaningfully.

I used to think to have a meaningful life is having to do something great, something unique or  achieve something extraordinary.

Having lived for 36 years++ , I have come to a conclusion that to live a meaningful life is nothing as simple as making the best out of what we have in life at all time, appreciate all those who love and cherish us, do good and never harm others for our personal gains, be contented but work diligently and overtly for a better future.

Of course it would be nice if I do achieve something big and extraordinary and be remembered by others. But how do we define what is the ordinary or extraordinary?

In my humble opinion, what defines 'extraordinary' is the impact of our gestures in ours and someone else lives. Every small little words of comfort or motivation could change people life. A small simple good deed could save someone's life.

So, not everyone has to be a superstar nor noble prize winner to be considered as 'extraordinary' or 'meaningful'. Every little kindness is an act of compassion, and that is the greatest part of humanity.

Get out there to serve and help others without expecting any return or recognition, now that is extraordinary and meaningful.

God Bless.

1 comment:

Yuncy Bel said...

good one!!!
not everyone has to be a superstar nor noble prize winner to be considered as 'extraordinary' or 'meaningful'. Every little kindness is an act of compassion, and that is the greatest part of humanity.

Get out there to serve and help others without expecting any return or recognition, now that is extraordinary and meaningful