Sunday, February 21, 2010

What Life Has Installed For Me?

At some point of everyone's life, we tend to ponder what life has installed for us? What has God planned for us on this earth? What is the purpose of our life in this world? While I do believe about fate & luck to a certain extend as some things are just not meant to be, but besides that I suppose that our destinies lies in our very own hands.

I once read the following blond joke:

A blond woman and her fiancé just got married. They were really poor so she went to church and prayed. "God, I need to win the lottery. My husband and I really need the money. Please!" So she went home that evening and watched to see if she won the lottery. She didn't. So she went back to church to pray again. "Please, God, we really need the money. Please." She went back home and again, she did not win the lottery. She went back to church and she said, "God, why won't you let me win the lottery?" A big, booming voice said, "Lady, you need to buy a lottery ticket to win the lottery!"

So you see, God does not spoon feed us because by doing so we will never learn anything and will never appreciate the people and things around us. We need to work towards our goals on our own and there will be many obstacles and trial & error along the way. It might be frustrated and heartbreaking at times but that is how we learn & rise to be a better person through out the journey. God will guide us and lead us along the way if we open our hearts and listen to him.

It is like the lyrics from Miley Cyrus's song, The Climb, "Ain't about how fast I get there, Ain't about what's waiting on the other side, It's the climb". Sometimes life is not fair and while we try to do our very best, hoping that whatever efforts we put in will bear sweet fruits, but the fact is not everyone will make it. But to me at least we try and we get to learn so much more in life while doing what we do.

No matter what we want to do in life, we must have the beliefs and just go for it. The First step is the most crucial one, and then comes the perseverance to go through the bitter sweet journey. Always set a target date for yourself when you try to achieve something and if it really doesn't work out by then, you can choose either to carry on or let it go. Letting go is not the same as giving up. People give up when they are frustrated or when they have lost the momentum or interest after a while. Letting go is a form of self realization that no matter how hard they try, things are just not meant to be, hence they let go and move on.

Every decision made and every action taken will lead to series of reactions and consequences. We can only choose one direction to work on at one time so that we can stay focus. So if you have any goal or wild dream that you want to achieve, just get your butt up and start moving. Never say things like, "It's too late", "I could have do this when ......", "I've missed the timing" or anything that would prevent you to go for your dream because the very same action being execute at different time will bring different results. So the important thing is now and the future.

We are what we made of and we shall carve our own path.


Anonymous said...

I never wonder what life has installed for me. Although sometimes, I wonder what life has in store for me.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the correction. :)