Saturday, October 04, 2014

Celebrating 3 months old in Heaven

4th of Sep, today should be your 3 months old with us but instead you are in Heaven with God and all other angels.

Daddy and mommy miss you so much! And we know that no matter how long time has passed, we will always miss you.

Daddy and mommy agreed to remember you on your birthday instead of the day you have passed but then they have a very nice term for it, it's called 'Angelversarry' so we think it doesn't sound so bad. :)

You must know that even though we are sad that you are no longer with us but daddy and mommy will live our lives well because we know you would want to see us happy. And hopefully God will bless us again with child so you will have younger brother or sister and we can tell him or her all about you next time.

You will always be the most special one in daddy and mommy's hearts. Love you forever, our Angel Baby Cassandra. :)

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