Sunday, December 14, 2014

She is Loved

Took my mom out today to this Mari Market @ APW Bangsar and had our light lunch. We only spent a short 30 minutes there as nothing interest us. We then headed over to BSC to walk around a bit before settled down at a restaurant for tea.

I know the only time my mom saw angel baby Cassandra was on her funeral and I also know both my sisters did not show my mom the artworks of Cassandra done by kind people from all around the world. I wasn't sure if I should bring up Cassandra but I want my mom to look at our precious little girl again and see the beautiful artworks we have received, so I decided to take out my phone and start telling her about the artworks.

At first my mom just casually asked me if we have to pay for all the artworks when I was sliding my phone to show her the photos. Then I noticed a silence after a while so I looked up, and there was the tears on my mom's face flowing uncontrollably.

I immediately keep my phone away and I too was choked and tried to hold back my tears. :(

Although Cassandra was only with us for 10 days and her grandparents,uncles and aunties only saw her once to send her off, but we know that Cassandra is loved by many. She is loved from the moment I had her in me.

We just miss her so much. 

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