Thursday, April 10, 2008

I Need Some Sleep

Sigh....after months of sleeping problem, my body finally broke down yesterday.

I went back to office for half a day meeting yesterday and after lunch I came home to rest. I was having very bad headache & feeling extremely dizzy as my body and mind have reached the exhaustion limit. I tried to sleep when I get home but the throbbing headache was killing me and I didn't really get to rest.

I didn't get to rest much due to the headache and my usual sleeping problem and I feeling more lethargic than ever this morning. I called in for MC and went to see doctor about 10:00am follow by a quick breakfast and medication (my doctor prescribed me some medication to relax and calm my brain & nerves). Went home about 11:30am and slept thru the entire day till about 5:00pm just now.

Keith has been having fever since Tuesday and today he too took MC. So, you can imagine, a sick couple staying in the house and the less sick one (that would be me) have to take care of the other more serious one.

Falling sick is a very miserable thing. I hope both of us will get well soon, especially Keith as he is very prone to fever and it worries me. According to our doctor, Keith is having a very bad viral fever. Both my parents-in-law are also having fever since Monday and I hope the virus won't spread to me.

As my company is in the stage of finalising the integration and staff transfer, it would be very busy for me these following few weeks, thus I can't afford to fall sick.

Hopefully the medication is effective enough to solve my sleeping problem.

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